Ohio School District Joins Ranks Of Those Allowing Armed Teachers

While the anti-gun ranks are furious that the Trump Administration’s panel failed to make massive gun control proposals, but instead argued that teachers should be allowed to work armed, the rest of the world has just been going on. After all, panels like these are rarely all that important. The most they can do is make some suggestions that lawmakers must then decide on.


Everywhere else, people are busy going on with their lives.

In Ohio, one school district decided that meant doing something that coincidentally lined up with that panel’s suggestions. They’re going to allow teachers to be armed.

A Clinton County school district is the latest in the Tri-State to allow teachers and other staff members to carry guns.

The Blanchester School Board voted Monday night to allow trained staff members to carry the weapons on campus.

The unanimous vote was based on a public resolution, sources tell FOX19 NOW.

FOX19 is working to gather more details about the timeline for the arming of trained staff members, which would be entirely voluntary.

Staff members who carry would be required to go through an approval process.

Unfortunately, this might not be a slam dunk.

You see, Ohio state law permits armed teachers, but they have to be “well-trained.” They have to go through a basic police officer’s course or have 20 years experience as a law enforcement officer. That’s a lot of training.

Frankly, it’s ridiculous that individuals who can carry firearms outside of the school require less training than those who can carry just a few feet closer to the building. It’s stupid.


Especially since very little police officer training is centered on using force inside of a school.

While I oppose training requirements in general, even for teachers carrying in schools, I’m realistic enough to know that in some locations, that’s the only way teachers are going to be armed. As such, I tolerate them, but only barely.

Yet it’s impossible to tolerate them when they’re filled with things armed teachers may not need to know or are designed to deter educators from even considering it. That’s what I believe the Ohio law is trying to do.

Luckily, I suspect some teachers will take up the opportunity to be armed regardless of the roadblocks put in place by the state. They’ll learn, be armed, and be ready to defend their own life and the life of their students should the need arrive.

At the end of the day, though, I doubt it will. After all, knowing that your body count may be low because a teacher may be armed might be enough to dissuade some would-be mass killer. That, in and of itself, is the biggest win you can have, and that’s what is likely to happen in a lot of cases.


Additionally, the inclusion of yet another school district willing to have armed teachers in its classrooms will go even further to debunking the anti-gun zealots’ claims that such a thing will lead to more classroom shootings. Time and time again, they’ve screamed about blood in the streets after a gun control law was repealed and guess what never happened? That’s right, no blood in the streets.

There won’t be this time, either.

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