Two Tennessee Counties Join Growing List Of 2A Sanctuary Counties

At a time when encroachment on the Second Amendment rights of millions of Americans is a very real threat, many counties have opted to simply refuse to enforce any new gun control laws that might come down the pipe. These sanctuary counties simply took the idea of cities that refuse to enforce immigration laws and turned them on their head.


This, of course, outraged anti-gunners who typically love sanctuary cities but forgot that our side of the debate had a say in some things as well.

Now, it seems two more counties from Tennessee have joined the growing list of sanctuary counties.

Jefferson and Sevier Counties are now considered “gun sanctuaries.”  They join Monroe, Blount and Loudon Counties who previously passed similar resolutions.

Both counties passed the Second Amendment gun sanctuary resolutions Monday night at their county commission meetings. This comes after the Town of Dandridge passed a similar resolution earlier in October.

Stewart Harris, who spoke to 10News from WETS-FM in Johnson City before his weekly radio show, is a constitutional law professor at LMU Duncan School of Law. He said becoming a sanctuary city or county is more of a political statement than a constitutional statement.

He said states, counties and even towns making the move to become gun sanctuaries has picked up traction in the last couple of years.

“They will decide they are concerned about gun control laws being imposed by some other jurisdiction,” Harris said.


And that’s really what most of this is about.

While it’s not a major threat in Tennessee, there are a lot of states that have gotten off on allowing a handful of urban centers decide on political solutions for the entire state, despite the fact that those policies simply don’t work as advertised. States like California, Washington, New York, and Illinois are prime examples. A few places set the policy and the rest of the state is stuck following alone.

Sanctuary counties are an attempt to exert some level of control over their own fates, to remind those elites that they aren’t the only ones in the state.

Well, that and serve as a bulwark against federal encroachment on our gun rights.

Frankly, if enough counties became sanctuary counties, what we’d see is that the only places gun laws would effectively be enforced would be in those same urban centers that so desperately want more and more gun control, despite it having never solved the problems they’re supposed to solve.

Gun crime has only decreased in the post-1990s when gun control was actually on its way out. The cities that have the worst problem with gun crime are also the cities that work the hardest to infringe on the Second Amendment rights of their citizens.


Sanctuary counties represent counties that understand that gun control is not only a failure, but an infringement on our basic civil liberties and are willing to express their refusal to enforce such draconian and pointless legislation. They’re doing the right thing. My only hope is that at some point, someone in these anti-gun urban enclaves recognizes what a disaster their gun control policies have created and put an end to it so we don’t need sanctuary counties anymore.

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