MI Man Protesting Violence By His Lonesome

Violent crime is, unfortunately, on the rise. It’s not just in Chicago or New York, either, but pretty much every major city. It’s even happening in a lot of the minor cities as well. For whatever reason, violence is spreading and it’s not going to be pleasant for anyone.


In Flint, Michigan, they have enough other problems going on. That’s not enough to stop people from shooting at one another, though.

Now, one man has taken it upon himself to try and change things.

When 52-year-old, Derrick Nunn heard about a pop-up party that left six victims shot, he knew he had to visit that same corner where it happened.

“The day after the shootings, I ended my quarantine and came out here man. I can’t take it no more man. We got to do something man, and it starts with the man in the mirror, you know? You have to get off Facebook and stop complaining. I call them finger activists,” Nunn said.

He chanted, “Put down those guns! Pick up your sons! Stop the violence in Flint!”

I like the enthusiasm.

However, let’s be realistic here. I don’t see this having a hope in hell of accomplishing anything, even if he draws legions of supporters.

You see, protesting violence is usually one of two things. First, it’s because the protestor doesn’t know what else to do, but they feel like they have to do something. The second thing is that it’s a way to feel good about yourself without actually having to do much of anything.

For what it’s worth, I think Nunn is more of the first case. He seems genuine in his desire to end the violence, but protesting isn’t going to do it.

Protesting has an impact on politicians because it conveys public opinion to them.

For violent criminals, though, it doesn’t. In fact, those criminals don’t actually care what the public thinks of their actions. Many times, they have what they believe to be a completely justified reason to commit that violence. Maybe they feel that being “disrespected” or something similar warrants the violence. Maybe it’s something else. It doesn’t matter, though, because they have rationalized the violence to such a degree that they can shrug off protests.


Especially since protests like this are impersonal.

You see, this is a general protest. The people responsible for the shooting that spurred Nunn to action aren’t feeling targeted. They probably don’t feel much of anything, really.

So, while I respect Nunn for not just sitting around and complaining about the problem but trying to do something about it instead, I also recognize that he won’t be successful. It’s a shame, too, because people like him actually can change the world, but not if they’re not actually addressing the problems.

With luck, Nunn will learn of some more concrete ways to address the very real problem and he’ll redirect that enthusiasm and drive in a way that will make the changes Flint clearly needs. I wish him the best of luck, too, because his city needs him.

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