FBI Sends Memo Warning Of Armed Protests

Following last week’s events at the Capitol, things are more than a little tense. While may debate what happened at the Capitol in comparison to the countless riots in almost every city in the country, the truth is that there are two sets of rules. If the left riots, it’s one thing. If someone on the right steps out of line, though, it’s Armageddon.


When the media isn’t on your side, that’s just what’s going to happen.

Take, for example, a recent warning from the FBI.

The FBI has sent a memo to law enforcement agencies across the country warning about possible armed protests at all 50 state capitols starting Saturday and saying an armed group has threatened to travel to Washington, D.C., the same day to stage an uprising if Congress removes President Donald Trump from office, according to a senior law enforcement official.

The memo includes information provided by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives; the Drug Enforcement Administration; the Defense Department; U.S. Park Police; and the U.S. Marshals Service, among other agencies, according to the official. Some of the information came from social media, some from open sources and some from other sources of information.

Now, this sounds pretty serious. The idea of armed protests in all 50 states is problematic. It’s not that I have a problem with armed protests in and of themselves, but I’ve always believed it’s imperative that any such protest be done in compliance with the law.

Yet not all 50 states have laws that would remotely allow for an armed protest.

Of course, that’s far from the biggest issue. Why? Because much of this is FBI scaremongering.

While the memo discusses possible threats discussed by online actors for Saturday through the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden on Jan. 20, it doesn’t mean law enforcement agencies expect violent mass protests or confrontations in every state.

For example, a spokesperson for the FBI in Boston said, “At this point in time, the FBI Boston Division is not in possession of any intelligence indicating any planned, armed protests at the four state capitals in our area of responsibility (ME, MA, NH, and RI) from January 17-20, 2021.”


That’s right, while they’re warning of these protests, there are apparently a number of states where there is no actual intelligence suggesting any such thing is planned.

Well, my days of taking the FBI seriously are coming to a middle, I tell ya.

The FBI, as part of the executive branch of government, may legitimately believe there will be protests in every state up through the inauguration, but that’s not what the intelligence shows at the moment.

Now, if some on the right do take up arms in order to protest, well, that’s likely to be just enough for the FBI to claim vindication, even if they overinflated the “threat” posed by these protests. And of course, if any so-called “patriots” decide to use these peaceful protests as an excuse for violence, they’re going to be providing aid and comfort to anti-gun politicians and not American gun owners.

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