NC House Passes Bill Killing Purchase Permits

(AP Photo/Elaine Thompson)

The idea of requiring a purchase permit to buy a firearm is rooted in wrong thinking. It’s based on the idea that you can somehow prevent undesirables from buying a gun.


The problem is that at one time, those “undesirables” including anyone with the wrong amount of melanin in their skin. That’s right, it was designed to keep black people from buying guns. Requirements that included nebulous and vague language about people being “of good moral character” was a smokescreen so sheriffs could deny permits to anyone. It was a holdover from Jim Crow.

While the left has repeatedly claimed they want to dismantle all the systems of oppression from that era, the one place they refuse to budge is in gun control, which has its roots in racism.

Luckily, the North Carolina House is willing to do it anyway.

North Carolina’s long practice of county sheriffs granting permits to local residents before they can buy a handgun would end under legislation approved by the House on Wednesday night.

The North Carolina Sheriffs’ Association backed the pistol purchase permit repeal — a change in direction for the group after years of opposing the idea. Sheriffs would still perform reviews of applications for concealed weapons permits.

Under federal law, licensed gun dealers are required to perform national instant background checks before a person can purchase or receive a handgun. People convicted of certain crimes or under indictment can be prevented from purchasing a gun.

The sheriffs’ group and bill supporters say the records contained in the background check database have become more robust in recent years, particularly as it related to involuntarily commitments for mental health or substance abuse treatment.

Improvements to the background check system “have rendered the pistol purchase permit obsolete” and duplicative, Eddie Caldwell, the sheriffs’ association executive vice president, said as quoted in a news release from House Republicans.

The  repeal proposal  comes as sheriffs in some urban counties were overloaded by purchase permit requests last year during the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to months-long delays even now, said Republican Rep. Jay Adams from Catawba County, a bill sponsor.


You know what? I don’t really care why they’re changing their tune, only that they changed it.

I’m also glad to see North Carolina doing away with an archaic system that has no place in the modern world. If only states like Illinois would follow North Carolina’s lead.

The truth is, purchase permits aren’t effective at stemming the flow of guns into criminal hands. Criminals don’t buy guns at gun stores. They get them through various illicit means. They’re not bothered by permit requirements.

By passing this bill, the House is making a smart move for North Carolinians. If the Senate approves it as well, then the state will be in much better shape.

Contrary to what some may argue, allowing law-abiding citizens to have easier access to firearms doesn’t increase the risk to anyone except the criminals, and do we really care about their personal safety? I sure as hell don’t. If they want safe, stop trying to hurt people.

With easier access to guns, the only people who will get hurt are the criminals who need to learn about how they made poor life decisions.

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