Every Utah Sheriff Vows To Uphold Second Amendment

(AP Photo/John Locher, File)

There’s a concerted pushed to cram gun control down our throats as a nation. However, a number of states and counties have opted to become Second Amendment sanctuaries. The idea is to protect people’s Second Amendment rights from a presidential administration that has no interest in protecting anything.


Yet much of the enforcement of these would fall on county sheriffs. If they decide they’re not going to cooperate, it’s much the same as a sanctuary resolution.

By that reasoning, Utah might as well be a sanctuary state.

Every sheriff in the state of Utah signed a letter saying they would try to safeguard the Second Amendment in the midst of proposed legislation and recent executive orders authorized by President Joe Biden.

“Importantly, the Second Amendment of our divinely inspired Constitution clearly states … ‘the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed,’” said the statement (pdf), signed by all 29 sheriffs in the state, and was released via Cache County Sheriff Chad Jensen’s office. “We hereby recognize a significant principle underlying the Second Amendment: the right to keep and bear arms is indispensable to the existence of a free people.”

Their letter and promise were “prompted by increasing public concern” over constitutional rights, namely the Second Amendment.

“As your elected Sheriffs, we individually and collectively pledge to do everything within our power to steadfastly protect the Second Amendment and all other individual rights guaranteed by the Constitution,” the letter states. “We understand the destructive influences currently existing in our country will only relent when women and men everywhere genuinely care for each other. We must rely on Providence and care deeply about preserving the Constitution and its freedoms in order to be a strong and prosperous people.”


With every sheriff in the state signing the letter, that’s a good deal for Utah residents.

However, a better deal would be for all of this to be completely and totally unnecessary. That’s the best possible outcome for gun rights. After all, there are plenty of people who live in communities that don’t respect the Second Amendment. Blocking the laws from passing is the best possible move as it’ll benefit everyone.

That might not be possible, hence sanctuary states/counties.

I applaud each of these sheriffs. However, I also have to note that Utah is a pretty pro-gun place. A look at Mormon history and how Mormons have shaped Utah’s culture would tell you all you really need to know about why the state is so pro-gun. The result is that it’s not a real leap to see why every sheriff in the state would sign a letter like this.

That’s not to take anything from this. The letter is a clear signal that President Biden’s gun control agenda will not meet broad approval. Instead, it’ll meet little more than resistance to the tyrannical overreach that constitutes any federal gun control efforts. At least in Utah, they can trust law enforcement to have their backs.


Maybe at some point, Biden will get the hint.

By the way, if you want a less enthusiastic take on the sheriffs’ letter from Cam, click here.


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