Three Sentenced For Stealing Guns From Dealers In Alabama

MikeGunner / Pixabay

I’ve long maintained that the problem with illegal guns doesn’t stem from irresponsible gun owners or dirty gun dealers. No, it stems from people obtaining the guns through illicit means–either stealing them or purchasing them through fraudulent means. This is what has happened time and time again.


Unfortunately, some people–cough President Biden cough –are convinced that the problem is with gun dealers who aren’t following the law.

Meanwhile, we have people like this who don’t seem to make it into the president’s discussions.

Three Dothan residents have been sentenced to prison for their roles in stealing guns from firearm dealers in 2019, a U.S. attorney announced Tuesday.

A judge sentenced 19-year-old Michael T. Taylor to 26 months in prison on July 8. Previously, 20-year-old Jamir Y. Baxter and 21-year-old Michaela R. White were both sentenced to 36 months imprisonment in June and May, respectively, according to an announcement from acting United States Attorney Sandra J. Stewart of the Middle District of Alabama.

Following each of their prison sentences, they will serve three years of supervised release. There is no parole in the federal system.

The three defendants were indicted for unlawfully taking firearms from an FFL and conspiracy to steal from an FFL in connection with the September 2019 burglary. Baxter was indicted on an additional charge of stealing from an FFL for the August 2019 gun thefts. All three pleaded guilty to the charges contained in the indictment.


Now, these guys were caught, thankfully, but a lot of criminals who steal from gun stores aren’t. They get the guns, sell them on the streets or transport them out of state to places where guns are harder to get–people there will likely pay more, after all–and turn a handsome profit. After all, they didn’t actually have to buy them in the first place.

The Three Stooges we see here are just the ones who got caught. How many others didn’t?

A lot.

But, because of what they and people like them do, we have to deal with idiots trying to call for more gun control. It’s not like these twits filled out Form 4473s or anything, but we get subjected to more interference with our Second Amendment rights while the criminals continue to steal guns and sell them to their criminal colleagues.

Frankly, I’m sick of it.

Want to know why I won’t take a bit more gun control, about why I want my cake back? Because every encroachment was justified because of the actions of evil people, but the evil people keep getting guns regardless while I’m required to jump through more and more hoops. It doesn’t help that the people who claim requiring these hoops doesn’t interfere with my right to keep and bear arms while screaming that making someone show an ID to vote is the height of voter suppression. The hypocrisy just gets to you.


Criminals will always get guns. You’re not going to stop it and I don’t believe you can even slow it down.

What you can do, though, is stop trying to prevent law-abiding citizens from having those firearms in some ridiculous attempt to reduce crime. It doesn’t work, it won’t work, and everyone knows it.

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