Colorado Park & Rec Officials Drop Planned Concealed Carry Ban

Historically, people who concealed carry are less like to commit crimes than any other group. That includes people like police officers, judges, and politicians. At the end of the day, people who carry a firearm lawfully don’t represent any kind of threat to other law-abiding people.


Yet that fact doesn’t seem to matter much to people who think concealed carriers are some kind of vile species looking to prey on the innocent.

It’s why so many places try and push for bans on carrying a firearm lawfully. One such place, though, has now abandoned those plans.

A large special district in Jefferson County has decided against becoming one of the first entities in Colorado to test the limits of a new law allowing local governments to enact gun control laws within their jurisdiction.

Foothills Parks and Recreation District (FPRD) Executive Director Ronald Hopp told Complete Colorado on Monday that the board of directors had decided to indefinitely table discussion of banning concealed carry of firearms by lawfully permitted citizens in Foothills facilities and outdoor spaces.

Complete Colorado initially broke, and exclusively covered the developing story.

Hopp said there will not be an agenda item on the August meeting or “any other board meeting in the foreseeable future,” citing numerous comments from the public.

“The Foothills Park & Recreation District’s Board had discussed various options, including the possibility of new policies, in response to recent gun-related incidents in both our facilities and parks, at least one of which involved the mishandling of a properly permitted concealed firearm,” Hopp said in a statement.


“Ah-ha! See, Tom! The ‘mishandling of a properly permitted concealed firearm.’ That shows you that concealed carriers aren’t all that safe!” someone will pop off, undoubtedly.

And yeah, it’s troubling that someone would mishandle a firearm in a public park. Without more details, I can’t really say much else, but sure, it’s troubling.

It’s also one incident.

I’ve documented hundreds of cases of gun control failing, yet these same people never seem to think those examples matter.

Regardless, the district opting not to pursue this concealed carry ban is a good move. While I’m sure plenty of people were upset about the mishandling of a firearm, the truth is that it’s still just one person. Out of the number of people who likely visit the park with firearms each year, this is kind of a non-issue. It’s also helpful that the sheriff in Jefferson County proclaimed that he wasn’t going to enforce the ban if it was put in place.

However, this is also Colorado, which has swung hard for an anti-gun position over the last handful of years. They prefer the false safety of government-mandated disarmament rather than the tumultuous sea of freedom that comes with an armed society. The less poetic version: They want you at the mercy of criminals so they can tell you you’re really safe.


Either way, for these particular Colorado concealed carry permit holders, this will be a non-issue going forward. While the parks may revisit their efforts another day, for right now, you’re good to go.

If only we could say the same indefinitely for the rest of the state.

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