Parkland Killer Pleads Guilty

(AP Photo/Wilfredo Lee)

The individual who slaughtered innocent school kids at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida has had his day in court. As expected and previously reported, he plead guilty to the charges facing him.


He also expressed regret for his actions.

[Killer’s name redacted] pleaded guilty Wednesday to killing 17 people — 14 students and three staff members — at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., avoiding a trial but setting up a fight over his punishment for the 2018 attack.

[His] defense team is hoping to avoid the death sentence that prosecutors are seeking.

[He], 23, faced 17 charges of first-degree murder and an additional 17 charges of attempted murder. He had initially pleaded not guilty to all of the crimes, but his attorneys recently said they would not contest his guilt. Instead, the group of public defenders who represent Cruz have asked the court to sentence him to 17 life sentences.

After his plea was accepted, [he] apologized for his actions, telling the victims’ families that he now wants to help other people.

“I am very sorry for what I did, and I have to live with it every day,” he said, adding that he regularly has nightmares. “I am doing this for you, and I do not care if you don’t believe me. And I love you, and I know you don’t believe me.”


For what it’s worth, I don’t believe that.

No, I think it’s all about keeping the needle out of his arm. He thought slaughtering his former schoolmates would be a blast, but now that it’s his life in the proverbial crosshairs, he’s scared and he’ll say anything he has to in order to save his own life.

Even his attorney’s words give weight to that assessment.

When the judge asked [the killer] if he understands that he faces a “minimum best-case scenario of life in prison,” he said that he does.

“This is what we refer to as a strategy decision,” Scherer said. She later asked [him] if he believes it’s in his best interest to waive his right to a jury trial and acknowledge guilt.

“Yes ma’am,” [he] replied.


See, people are much more likely to give a break to someone who is remorseful. If he hadn’t shown any sort of regret, then the death penalty would be all the more likely.

Now, I’m not saying that it’s impossible this jackwagon feels guilt. He might. He might have thought about that day and thought about the pain he saw on TV after everything was said and done, and he might well have started to feel bad about what he did. It’s possible.


What I am saying is that I have no reason to believe him and neither does anyone else. If he had any sense of empathy, why didn’t it show up at any point before 17 kids were dead? You’d think it wouldn’t take that long to show up, yet we’re supposed to believe it did?

Nah. I’m not buying it.

This is an attempt for this turdnugget to save his own life and nothing more. He’ll say what he has to say to try and keep himself off death row and that’s about it.

While I generally am not a fan of the death penalty–you can’t unkill a wrongfully convicted person, but you can release them from prison–this is a case where I simply won’t lose any sleep either way.

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