NYC murder shows all kinds of problems with gun control

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Murder is one of the most heinous crimes one can commit. There are a couple that I consider worse, but not many and not necessarily be a whole hell of a lot.

It’s even worse when you know that because of the laws in a certain place, neither the victim nor her neighbors were in any position to help.


A woman was stabbed to death inside her Chinatown apartment early Sunday after her alleged killer followed her home — and her final moments were caught on chilling surveillance footage.

Video obtained by The Post shows the suspect tailing the 35-year-old victim, Christina Yuna Lee, on the street as she enters her Chrystie Street apartment building, following close behind as she opens the front door and strolls into the hallway.

Minutes later, a neighbor across the hallway from the victim’s sixth-floor apartment at 111 Chrystie St. called 911 around 4:30 a.m. after hearing her screams during the brutal stabbing, law enforcement sources said.

“We’ve got cameras on every floor and in the front here,” the owner of the building said. “She got out of a cab right here and he followed her. He grabbed the front door just before it closed. He followed her all the way up, hanging back, staying one floor behind her all the way up to the sixth floor

“Then, he waited until her door was just about closed and he went in.”

Yuna Lee was found in her bathtub “bleeding from multiple wounds to the body” — while her alleged killer was discovered hiding under a bed, according to a source and an NYPD spokesman.


The suspect, Assamad Nash, apparently used a knife from the apartment.

Neighbors heard the brutal murder as it was happening. They called 9-1-1, but that’s all they could do.

Reading this story, all I could think about was how New York City’s gun control laws made it virtually impossible for Lee to have the means to defend herself and made it just as difficult for her neighbors to have some way to help quicker than just calling the police.

Over and over again, we’re told we don’t really need guns. All we need to do is call the police. Well, Lee screamed for someone to call 9-1-1. They did.

Once again, though, police pretty much arrived just in time to draw a chalk outline around the body. Absolutely wonderful.

Now, I’m not clairvoyant. I can’t say definitively that if New York City respected the Second Amendment, Lee would still be alive. It’s possible that no one in the building would be interested in owning a gun or would have risked themselves to help Lee.

But we do know that there’s no way they could have under the city’s draconian restrictions on Second Amendment rights.


As a result, a woman was murdered.

It doesn’t help that the suspect had quite the rap sheet, including an assault case from last year. Meanwhile, he’s walking around on the streets.

We should also note that Lee was Asian. Nash, her alleged killer, is black. That fits the model for a lot of what was being called anti-Asian hate crimes not that long ago. One has to wonder if this is part of that mold or if this was something completely different.

Either way, an innocent woman is dead and no one could have done anything to stop it because the city doesn’t trust ordinary citizens, but it saw no problem with leaving someone like Nash walking around, apparently.

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