What NAAGA missed regarding old Georgia gun laws

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People who are pro-gun may sometimes be uncomfortable with a law that expands gun rights in some way. This is especially true when they change from what they’ve always known to something new. Change is scary, after all.


A prime example is Georgia embracing constitutional carry. Some people who support gun rights and who don’t want to actually oppose a permitless system may still be uncomfortable with the law.

Plus, sometimes, they may not be familiar with what was already in place.

WSBTV in Atlanta did a story about Georgia’s new constitutional carry law and titled it, “Pro-gun group comes out against Georgia’s new gun law.”

But I’m not so sure that the National African-American Gun Association’s Phillip Smith so much opposed it as was just uncomfortable with it.

Of course, it may be that he doesn’t understand what was in place before.

A pro-gun group is taking an unusual stand and has come out against the governor’s “Constitutional Carry” law.

The fight over gun laws continues in Georgia. Recently, Gov. Brian Kemp, a Republican, signed the bill into law that makes it legal for most people to carry a concealed firearm without a license. Supporters say it protects the 2nd Amendment, but one pro-gun group said the law is dangerous.

“We’re about training African Americans how to shoot, how to take a firearm and learn how to protect themselves and loved ones,” said Philip Smith, with the National African American Gun Association.

Smith said that, although they believe in the right to carry, they don’t agree wholeheartedly with the new act signed by Kemp. The “Constitutional Carry” law lets most people carry a gun without a permit.

Smith said he has concerns.

“My fear is that you’ll have a lot more people buying guns that aren’t trained in the details of the gun. That’s my biggest fear,” he said.


Now, let’s be honest, ignorant gun owners should be a concern.

However, I fail to see what that has to do with constitutional carry here in Georgia. After all, the permitting system here didn’t require training either. The only knowledge you needed was to know you went to the probate court to get the permit and how much everything would cost.

That was it.

While many states require training as a requirement for a carry license, Georgia hasn’t been one of those at any point I can remember.

As such, what’s the difference now?

There really isn’t any.

Now, while I support constitutional carry in all 50 states, such a concern would have more validity in a state like Texas or Ohio that did have a training requirement prior to passing constitutional carry. Yet in Georgia, that’s simply not the case.

Further, even if training is required, a carry permit isn’t required prior to purchasing a firearm in most states, nor should it be. After all, wanting to exercise a right shouldn’t come with strings attached.

Yet I also think WSB-TV may have misrepresented Smith’s views. It really looks like he’s just uncomfortable about the ramifications of permitless carry versus outright opposing the measure.


Not that the media could tell the difference.

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Tom Knighton 5:29 PM | March 07, 2025