Kansas City group may actually reduce violent crime

MikeGunner / Pixabay

I don’t like community “anti-violence” groups who think they way to deal with violent crime is to hold rallies and marches. I support their right to do that, mind you, I just think it’s a huge waste of time. The truth of teh matter is that I feel they’re people who want to look like they’re doing something without having to trouble themself with doing something.


That’s not the case in Kansas City, though.

There, a group of average citizens is taking steps that may actually do something.

Members of the anti-violence group KC Mothers in Charge will go door-to-door in several Kansas City neighborhoods asking residents to help solve recent murders and violent crimes.

The effort is part of the organization’s “Why are we so angry?” neighborhood engagement and education program, and is a response to recent murders and violent crimes in those areas.

Members will hit the streets at 4 p.m. Wednesday and canvass the neighborhoods, hanging cards with the Greater Kansas City Crime Stoppers QR code asking residents to submit tips anonymously to the TIPS Hotline.

They will be targeting homes near Linwood and Agnes avenues, 35th Street and South Benton Avenue, and 40th and South Benton Avenue. These blocks were selected due to homicides and shootings in the area.

In other words, these folks are going out and they’re actually trying to get something done. They’re not just saying people should stop the violence, they’re going to go door-to-door and ask people face-to-face to tell the police what they know.

This kind of grassroots effort works in a lot of other avenues, so why wouldn’t it work here?

Will it be enough? That depends on what you mean by “enough.” Nothing will make crime go away forever. Nothing can stop violent crime. Not in Kansas City and not anywhere else.

But this may get some crimes solved and put some bad people behind bars. That’s good enough in a lot of ways, at least.


That’s assuming that it works, of course.

Even if it doesn’t accomplish all that organizers hope, the truth of the matter is that these folks aren’t just hoping. They’re not just offering up easy words and praying that some bad guy will listen. Instead, they’re rolling up their sleeves and trying to make a real, meaningful difference.

My sincere hope is that this becomes a role model for other cities. Obviously, that’s assuming this works, but really think it will. After all, this isn’t the police coming door-to-door. These are their neighbors, their friends from church, other folks from their communities.

It’s likely enough of a difference to make a change.

I also hope that the police will be nearby while this is going on. I’m mighty much afraid that this is going to worry some of those bad people enough that they’ll consider doing bad things. I’d much prefer the police to catch them in the attempt than find them afterward, you know?

I offer my most sincere good luck to these folks.

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