RI governor signs gun control measure into law

AP Photo/Keith Srakocic

Rhode Island isn’t often mentioned as one of the most gun-controlled states in the nation, but it really is. Lawmakers there don’t seem to have met a gun control bill they didn’t like. They’ve passed just about everything you can think of, including some even California might not be able to pass, such as mandatory training before purchasing a handgun.


Now, the governor has just signed even more gun control into law.

Gov. Dan McKee signed three gun-control bills – including one that will prohibit the possession of gun magazines that hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition – into law on Tuesday afternoon in a room packed with local and national advocates.

“Enjoy the moment,” McKee, a Democrat, told the cheering advocates packed into the State Room.

The new law limiting magazine size gives current owners of high-capacity magazines six months to modify them, surrender them to police or transfer them to people in states where they are legal. After that, anyone still in possession of an outlawed magazine could face up to five years in prison or a fine of up to $5,000.

The other measures raise the age to buy a firearm or ammunition from 18 to 21, and prohibit people from openly carrying loaded rifles and shotguns in public.

Because that’s going to make a difference.

It should be remembered that Rhode Island is a grand total of 1,214 square miles in size. Compare that to Los Angeles, which is 502 square miles or Anchorage, Alaska which is a tad over 1,700 square miles. In other words, for a state, it’s tiny.

As such, criminals who wish to obtain higher capacity magazines won’t have to go all that far to get out from the authority of state laws.

Of course, it’s bordered by Massachusetts and Connecticut, but New Hampshire isn’t that far away even so.

It won’t be hard to circumvent magazine bans by any stretch.


Further, they’re deluded if they think gun owners are going to modify their magazines just because the law says so. Some will, of course, but others are going to ignore the law.

But those who do may find themselves in a tough spot. After all, they’ll have a magazine limit while the bad guys who may attack them won’t be beholden to that. Even if they do have 10-round magazines or whatever, they might also have buddies with weapons.

That means the law-abiding citizen will be at a disadvantage if they comply with the law.

Not that legislators in Rhode Island give a damn about that. They’d rather appease the gun control crowd than worry about whether or not innocent lives get cut short because of such laws.

That’s really how gun control works, though. They push for things without a care in the world of how it impacts the law-abiding, nor about how easy it will be for criminals to circumvent such laws. It’s not about safety, but the appearance of providing safety to a public that has been gullible enough to swallow the gun control lies throughout the years.

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