Hillary's comments on 'worshipping' guns present problem

AP Photo/Seth Wenig

Hillary Clinton was far too close to becoming president for my peace of mind. She didn’t, though, which was so much for the better, but she was damn close. That’s bad news for anyone who values guns and our gun rights.


Now, though, she’s not running for anything. Instead, she’s got a show on Apple TV where she gets to say whatever she wants.

Unfortunately, we kind of know what she wants to say. In the first episode, she lived up to that expectation when she claimed Americans worship guns more than life.

Former First Lady and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on Apple TV’s ‘Gutsy’ series that Americans “worship” guns more than life.

Variety quoted Clinton’s comments, in which she said, in part, “Gun violence in our country is out of control. And it’s killing our kids. It’s outrageous we let this happen, and that there are people who worship guns more than they worship life.”

Hillary isn’t the first to say such a thing. Not by a long shot.

What bothers me about this line of thinking is that it’s predicated on something that just isn’t so.

You see, for her comment to be accurate, it would mean that everyone on this side of the debate actually agrees with them that gun control works, we’re just not interested in passing it for whatever reason. To be fair, when most people oppose gun control on the grounds of personal freedom, it’s easy to think such a thing.

However, pretty much everyone who says such things also believes that gun control simply doesn’t work.

We know, for example, that most studies saying gun control works are absolute bunk. We also know that there are tons of studies showing the complete opposite, though those rarely get much play in the media.


Then there are criminals who have been able to obtain guns for decades upon decades in every jurisdiction in the country, despite the plethora of gun control laws in many of those places meant to keep them from doing so.

We have the history of how crime was impacted by federal gun control laws. The National Firearms Act was passed in 1934 in response to the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre, but the homicide rate had already started going down due to the repeal of Prohibition.

The Gun Control Act of 1968 was, of course, passed in 1968. Homicide rates absolutely skyrocketed then and remained high until the 1990s when concealed carry started gaining traction at the state level.

Now, if we’re to believe gun control works, this doesn’t make much sense. While correlation doesn’t equal causation, causation does equal correlation. If gun control is the answer and gun rights the problem, we’d see quite the opposite, we don’t.

At the very least, this tells us that the matter isn’t nearly as simple as some would claim.

Most of us on the pro-Second Amendment side of the debate know this. We’ve seen it and we believe it. Absolutely no one here thinks gun control works.

The truth is, we support guns and gun rights because we value life.

Criminals are going to get guns. Yet gun control gets in the way of law-abiding citizens being able to protect themselves. As a recent study pointed out, guns are used roughly 1.6 million times to protect life. That’s far more than the number of times one is used to take life, even if you include suicides.


Guns are a tool that serves heroes and villains alike. For some, that’s a bad thing, but the truth is that the villains have been getting them for ages regardless of the law. The heroes need them, too, and gun control stops that.

Which means we’d have no good guys at Greenwood Park Mall, as just one example, or in a church in White Settlement, Texas to name another.

Our affection for guns and our desire to keep them accessible isn’t worshiping guns more than life, it’s recognizing how guns preserve life.

But people like Hillary Clinton would never bother to actually listen when we tell them that.

Where we’ve failed, though, is in not saying it loud enough and often enough that they actually don’t have a choice.

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Bearing Arms Staff 12:15 PM | January 30, 2025