Is lame-duck gun control a viable threat?

United States Capitol" by Phil Roeder is marked with .

While the midterms didn’t go as we might have hoped, the truth is that Democrats are still losing control of the House.

However, that hasn’t stopped President Joe Biden from announcing his intention to pass gun control during the lame-duck session of Congress.


But, the big question on many minds is whether that’s viable or not.

While I’ve argued it’s not particularly likely, former Congressman Bob Barr isn’t nearly as certain as I am.

Still, with this lame duck session facing an already crowded calendar of “must pass” spending measures and highly controversial measures such as a national pro-abortion bill, mustering the votes necessary to overcome the 60-vote filibuster majority for another extremely controversial measure as gun control, will likely be more than the Senate leadership is willing to take on.

Complicating the scenario, however, is the fact that when the 118th Congress convenes in early January, it will be with a Republican House majority that will almost certainly not pass gun control measures such as were adopted by the House in 2021 and which now await Senate action. This increases the pressure on Schumer to twist as many arms as possible, including moderate GOP members, and make deals he might not otherwise entertain, in an effort to ram through some form of gun control that could then be sent back to the House before it, too, adjourns sine die later this month.

The bottom line in this politically charged environment is that while major, high profile gun control legislation is unlikely to pass the Senate during this lame duck session, Second Amendment supporters had best watch out for “smaller” anti-gun measures to sneak through before the ball drops on New Year’s Eve.


Barr makes a fair point. It’s not like some of the outgoing lawmakers have a thing to lose, and even those who retained their seats may feel less pressure to keep the folks back home happy in part because they’ve got two years to make it up.

That said, gun control is an incredibly contentious issue and it seems unlikely that even moderate Republicans will be that likely to embrace even small anti-gun measures in such an environment. Especially knowing that their party–one that’s not in favor of gun control nor those in their party who support it–will be handing out committee assignments and such.

It’s a prime time to punish someone who has been disloyal to the party.

I also don’t see what leverage Schumer will have on those moderate Republicans to try and strong-arm them into backing any gun control scheme.

That said, Barr’s actually been there, I’m just a guy who writes about this kind of thing on the internet. To say he likely knows more than me on the internal workings of the House of Representatives is a bit of an understatement.


So, it would seem that the next month should be one in which we are careful to look at what Congress is doing. Any gun control measure proposed needs to be treated seriously and legislators need to be contacted and told not to support such a measure.

Just because it’s unlikely to pass isn’t a good reason fall asleep at the wheel and find out we’ve all been wrong.

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