Federal bill for ammo control would ban online sales

AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli, File

Without ammo, guns are pretty useless. They’re inefficient and improvised clubs, and that’s giving them more credit than they might deserve in that capacity.


No, guns need ammunition in order to fulfill their function.

Which is why many gun control advocates have been pushing for ammo control. In their minds, if bad guys can’t get ammo, they won’t want guns.

Or, perhaps more accurately, if you can’t get it, you won’t want guns.

But ammo control isn’t common in the United States. However, a bill seeks to change just that.

Literally named the “Stop Online Ammunition Sales Act of 2023,” the measure was filed last month in Congress by U.S. Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman, a New Jersey Democrat. Coleman was endorsed for office last fall by national anti-gun groups including billionaire Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown organization.

“The Stop Online Ammunition Sales Act is one step in the right direction to slowing the proliferation of guns and ammunition,” said Watson Coleman in a statement.

The proposal would establish the licensing of ammunition dealers who then would be required to confirm the identity of customers seeking to purchase ammo by verifying a valid photo I.D. in person. As such, it would place a prohibition on the current widespread practice of buying ammo online and having it shipped directly to the customer’s door.


These licensed vendors would also have to report any sale of rounds totaling 1,000 rounds or more.

You know, the kind of purchase that meets the requirements for many training classes.

This is how you know gun people aren’t behind this. They know that many training courses require you to show up with 1,000 rounds at a minimum because you’re going to shoot an awful lot of it.

Instead of understanding that, though, we have people who would look at this and think that no one needs that much ammunition so why not?

What they don’t get is why people buy that much ammunition.

Yes, many stockpile it for bad times, which I’d argue is pretty damn wise. However, you can build a stockpile in smaller quantities, too, so this isn’t going to stop that.

What this does, though, is make it more difficult for people who actually try to be proficient with their firearms. It basically inhibits getting ammo for training courses but also deters people from shooting a lot in general.

Many may attend a class here or there but then do most of their work at the range itself. It’s not hard to go through hundreds of rounds during a single range session.

By banning online sales and then trying to deter people from buying decent quantities of ammo, this bill would accomplish nothing if it were passed.


After all, most mass shooters don’t have that much ammo. They don’t need that much.

No, this targets us.

This is about hurting law-abiding gun owners under the guise of combatting crime. We won’t vote their way so this jackwagon wants to make us hurt.

If there’s an upside, it’s that this bill has absolutely no chance of actually becoming law. While the bill, HR 584 has 23 cosponsors, that’s really paltry for a gun control bill in this House.

No, this will be relegated to committee where it will die.

What’s more, most Democrats will be glad to see it do so. While I’m not convinced there are many pro-gun Democrats in the House anymore, if any, the rest have got to see that this is only going to hurt their long-term efforts.

So yeah, this is going down in flames.

It’s only too bad there are no penalties to the lawmakers favoring this for being this stupid.

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