Media going after hero cop for his 2A stand

AP Photo/Charles Krupa, File

As we go into the weekend, we would do well to remember that last weekend wasn’t a particularly peaceful one. We wrote about some of the carnage already.

One we didn’t talk about was a shooting in Washington State. There, a man opened fire at a campground, killing two people.


He was eventually shot by a hero police officer.

Now, it seems the big topic of news is that the officer in question is also a staunch defender of the Second Amendment.

The police detective who shot and wounded a soldier accused of killings at The Gorge Amphitheatre’s campground in Washington last weekend is a plaintiff in a guns right lawsuit filed against Washington state.

A hearing in the case is set for Friday June 23 in the Thurston County Courthouse after the case was moved from Grant County.

Edgar Salazar of the Moses Lake Police Department is a plaintiff in the case along with five other individuals; Millard Sales, a gun store in Ephrata; Guardian Arms, a gun store in Moses Lake; Alliance for Gun Responsibility and the Silent Majority Foundation based in Pasco.

“Edgar is a hero in our eyes,” said the Silent Majority Foundation in a blog post., “Thank you, Edgar, for your quick, courageous and decisive action!”

The post also invited followers to come to the courthouse and pray or offer other peaceful support to plaintiffs on Friday as they ask for a temporary restraining order against a ban on the sale of certain semi-automatic weapons in Washington.

Now, this is presented as straight news reporting, so there’s little commentary, but I can’t help but question why this is relevant at all.

Especially since the suspect in the shooting in question was armed with a handgun, not a dreaded AR-15.

In other words, Salizar’s actions had nothing to do with the lawsuit, so why report on it at all?


My guess is that the paper is hoping to gin up outrage at Salizar, forcing him to withdraw from the lawsuit. It won’t have any actual impact on the lawsuit since he’s far from the only plaintiff, but they don’t like people standing up for our Second Amendment rights.

Yes, even hero cops.

The thing is, though, his name on the lawsuit shows him to be even more of a hero. He’s making a stand that could arguably get him in some degree of trouble with his boss, could have the governor of his state target in some degree, and who knows what else.

He not only put his life on the line to take down the shooter at the campground, but he’s potentially putting his livelihood on the line to stand for the Second Amendment.

Of course, I may be reading this wrong. Maybe this publication likes that Salizar is making this stand. Maybe they’re hoping he’ll be celebrated for it.

If that’s it, then mission accomplished.

Salizar’s heroism at the shooting isn’t up for debate so far as I’ve been able to tell. His stand for the Second Amendment is also worthy of admiration.

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