If you ask the average anti-gunner what they picture when they think of a gun rights advocate, you’re probably going to get an answer that, well, looks like me: A middle-aged white dude.
But there are millions of gun owners out there that look nothing like me. Many aren’t white, for one thing, and many others are women.
Now, it seems a plan is in place for a bunch of those pro-gun women to rally for gun rights.
From a press release:
On Monday, October 16 at 4PM, hundreds of women from across the United States will gather on the steps of the Supreme Court in support of the Second Amendment. Taking place in conjunction with the Women for Gun Rights annual fly-in, the rally features remarks from leading voices in the Second Amendment movement and highlights why women believe a firearm makes them safer.
“Americans across the country are seeing violence escalate. Our country may be divided on the gun issue, but we are all united by the same desire to be safe and for our kids to be safe,” said Dianna Muller, Founder of Women for Gun Rights. “That’s why women are raising their voices to advocate for their Second Amendment rights in city halls, state capitols, and right here in Washington, D.C.”
Speakers at the rally include Mira O’Connell of New Mexico, a survivor of home invasion/attack by a convicted serial rapist. Gabby Franco of Virginia, a naturalized Venezuelan who personally knows the perils of gun control that led to the fall of Venezuela. Gina Roberts of California, a trans woman who fights for the ability of the LBTGQ+ community to protect themselves and more.
Additionally, on October 18 at 11AM, Women for Gun Rights will join Congressman Richard Hudson (NC-9) and others for a press conference on pending gun rights legislation.
About Women for Gun Rights
Women for Gun Rights is a nationwide organization of women committed to safeguarding the Second Amendment. A non-partisan initiative of daughters, mothers, and sisters that believe education is the key to firearm safety and violence prevention, not legislation.
In other words, none of these folks are who anti-gunners think of when they start taking issue with our Second Amendment rights.
And that’s a good thing for us.
See, the party that likes to restrict guns also likes to think that it’s responsive to what women want. If tons of pro-gun women show up to protest, it might well send a signal that maybe they should back off on the gun control thing.
We can hope, at least.
If not, then someone will get the hint and challenge those folks.
The truth of the matter is that gun rights cannot be preserved nearly as effectively if it remains such a partisan issue. That means we need to turn the usual demographics that vote Democrat into gun rights supporters. At worst, it’ll shut them up. That’s a huge win in and of itself.
Ladies, if you’re able to pull it off, I’d advise you to join these women in standing up for our right to keep and bear arms.
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