Maine Cancels AR-Cleaning Class After Anti-Gun Complaints

(AP Photo/Elaine Thompson)

Whether you think people should own AR-15s or not, some people have them. In a state like Maine that’s pro-gun despite it’s leftward lean, there are going to be a lot of people with such rifles.


With the aftermath of Lewiston leading many to call for banning the guns, it’s likely a ton of new folks have just gotten AR-15s for the first time.

And most reputable sources will tell you that the first thing you need to do when you get a firearm is get training on it.

That also includes training on how to maintain and clean your firearm. It seems the state of Maine was set to offer a class on how to clean ARs. It’s a nothing thing, after all, since cleaning the gun isn’t really the dangerous part for most folks, but despite that fact, people freaked out.

Now, a class on how to clean a firearm was cancelled because of anti-gun hysteria.

The state canceled a class on how to clean your AR guns after a handful of people complained to the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife that it was inappropriate in light of the mass shooting in Lewiston, according to a department spokesman.

The Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife has held classes for at least three years on how to maintain and safely use different types of guns used in hunting, said Mark Latti, the department’s communications director, on Wednesday.

He cited a state law that mandates the department to offer education on guns and gun safety.

Now, there are two factors here.

One is that people were complaining about a class that was nothing more than just the care of a certain type of firearm. Yes, it was the same one used in the Lewiston shooting, but a whole bunch more are used for more peaceful purposes in Maine every single year.


The other side is that this happened after about a dozen people complained out of some 400,000 who received the email from the state.

Of course, it seems that a lot of people complained about the cancelation, too, though that doesn’t seem to have changed anything.

Honestly, folks, when I say gun control is about hysteria rather than facts, stuff like this isn’t likely to convince me that I’m wrong.

I mean, I might have understood where they were coming from if it was a class about how to use your AR-15 to sweep and clear a bowling alley or restaurant or, well, anything. It wasn’t. It was about how to clean a gun.

And considering the way it snows in Maine, I’d imagine that could be important. Granted, my Georgia-born but would have to imagine since we haven’t seen snow in several years and never all that much of it, but I digress.

This wasn’t a bad thing. The fact that people, even a handful lost their minds over it is just pathetic. The fact that Maine caved over a few voices is probably even worse.

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