NC School Board Approves Gun Storage Resolution

AP Photo/Matt Rourke, File

One thing I hated about having kids in public schools was how many people figured that schools were somehow the best place to try to indoctrinate not just students but parents into thinking a certain way, providing one-sided accounts of things to convince us that their way was right.


Which is why I was bothered by President Joe Biden trying to get schools to push gun storage. It's not that I disagree with storing your firearms securely when not in use, it's that I don't want my schools trying to push this subject when I know a lot more about the topic than they do.

For one North Carolina school system, however, it seems like they think it's a swell idea.

The state’s largest school district is taking a new step to keep guns out of the hands of children. The Wake County School Board passed a safer gun storage resolution on Tuesday evening.

“Lots of just common-sense things that maybe we don’t all think about, but if we just take a moment and reflect on it, we can prevent a tragedy,” Wake County School Board Chair Chris Heagarty said. 

The district will now regularly give families information on safe gun storage and the legal consequences they could face for failing to safely store a gun. It’s information Heagarty said can’t be taken for granted.

“We’ve seen even here in Wake County incidents where a child brought a firearm to an elementary school and when the parent was called, the parent said, ‘well, of course, it was for show and tell’,” Heagarty said.

Yeah, I'd like to see proof of that. 

Again, my problem isn't so much about the information--the sheriff's department appears to be set to work with the school system on this--it's that it won't stop there. Sooner or later, they'll start pushing other aspects of gun control.

Moreover, there is a strong possibility that the information actually will be bad, even--or especially--because of the sheriff's involvement.


Wake County is the county that contains Raleigh, and so it has a fairly progressive, anti-gun lean to it that you won't find in other parts of the state. As such, we can't be sure that the information will be viable for people who have a gun for self-defense.

What do I mean by that? Well, there are a number of people who don't want a firearm stored ready to go, even if locked away from curious hands. They want the guns unloaded and locked up while the ammunition is stored elsewhere, preferably not in a magazine. They want you to have to unlock at least one safe to get your gun, then get your magazine, seat it in the weapon, rack the slide, and then hope you haven't been murdered before you complete all the steps.

Hell, some want the ammunition to be locked up as well, which means adding the opening to another safe in that order of operations.

So yeah, I'd really just rather schools stay out of the problem completely, especially since most of the guns that come into schools don't actually come from parents not locking up guns. Instead, they come from black-market-bought guns the kids got on the streets.

Maybe that is the letter they should talk about sending home.

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