UK Woman Shot in Gunfight Crossfire Despite Gun Control

AP Photo/Alastair Grant

One would think that if gun control laws worked anywhere, they'd work in the UK.

I mean, it's an island with only one access point that isn't by plane or boat. On the other end of that tunnel is an entire continent of gun-controlled nations, which means the odds of guns being trafficked via that corridor should be nil.


And yet, guns keep showing up.

But at least British gun control works well enough that the odds of two groups of criminals having them and shooting at one another are so slim as to be nonexistent, right?


Oh, wait...

Footage has emerged of a 38-year-old woman being shot in the leg after she was allegedly caught in the crossfire of a shooting between cars on a north London street.

CCTV footage shows a stream of vehicles driving on a busy Stamford Hill in north London with a woman walking along the pavement.

Moments later, two cars drive past at speed and the woman is seen dropping to the floor.

Armed police were called to Stamford Hill at 7.40pm on Tuesday after a woman in her 30s was injured.


Metropolitan Police officers are trying to establish the circumstances of the incident. No arrests have been made.

The woman is believed to have been caught between two vehicles which were firing guns at each other.

Witnesses claimed one of the cars drove towards nearby Clapton Common where two more shots were heard.


There's no way that could happen. After all, I'm told the UK has very strict gun laws and gun laws work! The idea that two criminals or groups of criminals could have guns and would use them to shoot at one another as they drove down the street is just beyond imagining!

Unless, that is, gun control doesn't work worth a flying fart in church.

See, I don't actually care if criminals kill one another off. I see it as a disease fighting another disease. If they kill one another off entirely, we don't need to deal with the issue ourselves.


The problem is that they don't just kill off one another. They're not that careful. Innocent people like this woman get hurt in the crossfire. Some are hurt far worse, even killed. That's where we have a problem.

Then we have the fact that many of these people also prey on the disarmed population and we can start to see the real issue.

The UK's gun control doesn't do squat.

I won't pretend respecting gun rights would have solved this issue, in part because it's unlikely most of us would have taken a shot at moving cars shooting at one another. Yet it would solve a bunch of other issues we've seen in the UK.

It's just too bad the British don't actually understand that the right to keep and bear arms is a basic human right and not something we concocted out of a sense of boredom here in the United States. Having the means to resist tyranny, even if only the tyranny of the thug, is something everyone should have a right to decide for themselves.

After all, it's pretty clear the criminals don't care about doing the right thing.

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