
Sen. Chris Murphy Defends Surgeon General's Announcement By Claiming to Live in the 'Hood

AP Photo/Mariam Zuhaib

Sen. Chris Murphy is no fan of the right to keep and bear arms. Instead, he's one of the leading gun grabbers in the halls of Congress. He doesn't think you and I should have the rights we have and constantly works to undermine those rights.

For which I suppose the people of Connecticut keep electing him to do, so it's really on them. If they don't like it, they can fix it during his next re-election campaign.

But anti-gunners will often say some pretty stupid and transparently false things in order to try to justify what they want to do. It's often stuff that can't be verified.

But Murphy basically tried to present his neighborhood like it was Compton back in the 1990s while responding to the surgeon general's announcement on Tuesday.

Now, let's understand that Murphy's neighborhood is in Hartford, Connecticut. While it's not the safest community in the state, it's still far from the most violent cities in America.

What's more, Murphy doesn't exactly live in a rough neighborhood.

In 2020, Murphy and his wife bought a house on Charter Oak Place in Hartford. The three-bedroom, three-bathroom house cost $355,000.

Maybe it's just me, but I don't see kids walking to and from school in a neighborhood with $355,000 homes really having much reason to fear for their lives. They're damn sure not seeing drive-bys on a regular basis as they make the trip.

If these kids fear being shot during these short journies, it's because of people like Murphy who constantly preach doom and gloom for our young people. If you say it enough, they'll start to believe you, even absent literally any evidence in their lives. After all, kids are taught to listen to adults.

And I don't think they do.

Instead, I think Murphy is just making crap up to try and justify the surgeon general poking his nose into the gun debate by parroting anti-gun talking points.

He's pretending these kids are in fear for their lives while going to and from school in a wealthy neighborhood in a relatively safe state where the biggest threat to their lives is a drunk driver or their own stupidity. He does so because people don't like the idea of kids being scared, so it's him making crap up to try and manipulate things.

None of those kids are at risk of being shot. His neighborhood isn't located in South Central Los Angeles during the height of the violence there. He's not living in the roughest neighborhoods of Chicago or New York today.

No, he's in Hartford, that might not be the safest city in the nation, but it also doesn't rank as one of the most dangerous, either. His neighborhood isn't even one of the most dangerous in Hartford.

Yet does anyone think the mainstream media will check this? Will they go and ask kids if this is true?

Of course not. They won't because this is one of those "too good to fact-check" things that advances the narrative they want advanced.

I'm going to say straight out that I think Murphy is a liar. There's absolutely nothing about where he lives that suggests anyone has any reasonable fear of being shot in some random shooting as they walk to school or back home.

Instead, they're more likely to find someone stubbing their toe a massive deal worth of discussion for weeks to come.

