Network With Close Ties to Terrorism Thinks You Should Give Up Your Guns After Trump Shooting

AP Photo/Seth Perlman, File

An assassination attempt is essentially an act of terrorism. It's an attempt to create political change through violence directed at the civilian population.

Trump isn't a military target. Someone tried to kill him for political purposes. Terrorism.


The fact that it was an American who pulled the trigger makes it domestic terrorism, but it's still terrorism.

Al Jazeera knows quite a bit about terrorism. I mean, they've employed enough of them, to say nothing of carrying the water for other terrorist groups. They're sympathetic to terrorism and we all know it.

So it's more than a little hilarious that now they're trying to use this act of terrorism to justify gun control. In fact, the author tries to make the case that opposition to gun control "backfired" on folks.

It was a shot heard round the world – but most of all by presidential candidate Donald Trump, the victim of Saturday’s assassination attempt at a presidential rally in the US state of Pennsylvania.

A bullet grazed Trump’s right ear as he was filling the audience in on his plans to make United States immigration policy even more hellish for refuge seekers. One crowd member was killed in the gunfire and two others wounded. The shooter, identified by the FBI as 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks, was shot and killed by Secret Service officers.

The episode will no doubt earn Trump substantial points among supporters, who will be ever more convinced that their hero is under existential attack in his sociopathic quest to “Make America Great Again”.

And while much of the analysis in the aftermath of the Pennsylvania rally has focused on the “polarisation” of the US citizenry, it is also worth pointing out the bleeding obvious – that firearms-related bloodshed would not transpire with such regularity if the country did not have more guns than people.


The fact that the author, Belén Fernández, also wrote a book titled, "Exile: Rejecting America and Finding the World," means that no one should be surprised that she's pushing an anti-American agenda later in the piece, arguing that the United States has a history of just shooting innocent people in job lots. She also accusing Israel of trying to exterminate the population of Gaza.

Since Israel is also trying to get aid into the right hands in Gaza, it's officially the worst genocide ever.

The most amusing part of this, to me, is that she's writing for Al Jazeera, which has been rightfully criticized for its ties to terrorism

See, terrorists don't like regular folks having access to guns. Oh, they'll buy them at a local gun store if they can, but they have ways of getting guns into restrictive countries, as we've seen throughout Europe over the years. Americans giving up theirs won't really stop people like Al Jazeera's Muhammad Washah, who's reportedly also a senior commander in Hamas, but it will stop Americans from being able to defend themselves against these terrorists.


Which is precisely the point.

Fernández is as anti-American as any person born in this country could be. The fact that she opposes one of the things that differentiates us from the totalitarian hellholes she apparently favors, such as Gaza, just makes it clear that her calls for gun control should be even more vehemently ignored than most.

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