Republicans at RNC Don't Budge In Face of Latest Anti-Gun Onslaught

AP Photo/Seth Perlman, File

We've spilled a lot of digital ink on all the people pushing for gun control in the wake of the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump. We've seen it from celebrities and athletes, to say nothing of politicians, even Biden who only calls for assault weapon bans on days that end in the letter "y."


A lot of people are shocked that Republicans aren't tripping over themselves to back gun control.

And let's be real, if that was going to happen, it would happen at the Republican National Convention. Kicking off just a couple of days after the attempt on Trump's life, you'd imagine emotions would be high and if they were ever going to do it, it would be here and now.

Only, as the Washington Times notes, it ain't happening.

Republicans at their party convention said their commitment to gun rights and expanding concealed carry wasn’t diminished by the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump.

The party, according to delegates and lawmakers at the Republican National Convention, remained steadfastly opposed to sweeping gun control laws such as a ban on so-called assault weapons such as the AR-15-style rifle used by Mr. Trump’s would-be assassin.

Addressing a gathering of Second Amendment activists at the convention, Rep. Wesley Hunt of Texas said the attack Saturday on Mr. Trump only proves that firearms in the hands of law-abiding individuals are necessary.

“There are 400 million guns currently in circulation. Guns aren’t going anywhere,” Mr. Hunt said. “The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun, and that guy is now dead because a good guy with a gun shot him.”

He added, “Imagine how many moral lives were spared because that sniper acted and took him out immediately.”


I just want to jump in here and point something out for all those anti-gun voices that laugh at the "good guy with a gun" thing: Law enforcement are good guys, too.

Many times, the good guy with a gun is a cop of some stripe, but the issue with counting on that is that cops aren't always present and able to protect you. Trump had an entire detail charged with protecting him and we see how that went.

Moving on...

Rep. Kat Cammack of Florida assured gun-rights activists at the gathering, which was sponsored by U.S. Concealed Carry, that the platform’s drive-by treatment of the Second Amendment did not mean Republicans were less concerned about the issue.

“Everyone has always and will forever associate the conservative movement as right in line with the principle of 2A — ’shall not be infringed,’” she said. “Just because we don’t explicitly talk about it in a political platform for a single cycle doesn’t mean that we are not absolutely adherent to the belief that Americans have the right to defend themselves.”

Ms. Cammack said Republicans in Congress are working on passing national reciprocity legislation that would enable legal gun owners to carry concealed firearms across state lines, similar to how a driver’s license works.

That's great.

Of course, it should have passed nearly eight years ago when Republicans controlled every branch of government, but better late than never, I suppose.


Regardless, it seems Republicans at the RNC aren't remotely interested in buckling to the anti-gun agenda, especially in the wake of the attempt on Trump's life. No one is taking it lightly or think it's not a big deal, either. We just all seem to understand that nothing we said before Saturday's attack has fundamentally changed. Gun control wouldn't have prevented that attack and claiming otherwise is ridiculous.

That hasn't stopped the usual suspects, mind you, but they're so fanatical about pushing an anti-gun agenda, rationality isn't really in their wheelhouse.

I'm just heartened to see gun rights remain respected at the RNC under the current circumstances.

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