
This Is Who Anti-Gunners Want to Emulate?

AP Photo/Desmond Boylan

Gun control advocates say they don't want a total gun ban, but none of them I've asked seem to be able to tell me what step would be too far for them in the long run; what rule or regulation would make them cross the line and actively oppose such a measure.

Some out there might be able to tell me, though I'd be skeptical of their answer, admittedly. Most, though, really don't see a limit short of a gun ban, which is interesting because that means they want to follow the lead of a nation like Cuba.

Let's remember that this is a totalitarian regime and has been since before Che Guevara became a good communist thanks to a bullet to the chest.

And now, they're stepping up their gun control efforts.

The Cuban regime announced on Wednesday the approval of a decree-law that establishes new regulations on the control and oversight of weapons, accessories, and ammunition in the nation.

According to what was presented at the State Council, this regulation aims to strengthen supervision measures, in line with international agreements promoted by the United Nations, states the text published on the website of the National Assembly of People's Power.

The Minister of Justice, Oscar Manuel Silvera, justified the measure with the aim of refining existing regulations to ensure more efficient control of firearms on the island.

Additionally, another regulatory provision was approved that modifies Decree Law 344, related to the special social security regime for the Revolutionary Armed Forces.

According to the source, the announcement of these regulations is part of the discussions and measures examined during the regular session of the Council of State, where officials debated the Government Program aimed at correcting economic distortions, as well as the analysis of recommendations related to territorial management.

In this context, the approval of new regulations, including the decree on arms and ammunition, was part of a broader agenda focused on strengthening the regime's control and organizing strategic sectors.

The Cuban government acknowledged in June 2024 a concerning increase in violence on the island, including the use of firearms. According to statements from First Colonel Eddy Sierra Arias, head of the National Revolutionary Police, this phenomenon is linked to smuggling, drug trafficking, and a deterioration of ethical values in society.

Cuba already strengthened its gun control rules in 2021, only for us to see just how little was accomplished by that.

It's also a totalitarian hellhole, which no one should want to emulate, and while most anti-gunners would argue this isn't their role model, their actions tell us something very, very different. They don't seem to have a limit short of whatever rules are going into place in the communist nation, so I see no reason to take them at their word.

Let's understand that one of the first things the commies did after taking over Cuba was to disarm everyone. They didn't want anyone to counter their coup. They knew what they were doing was going to be brutal and they didn't want an armed uprising like they'd just led. They didn't want people able to resist.

And this is what our own anti-gun zealots want for us.

They even claim we couldn't resist a tyrannical government. Never mind that the Viet Cong and the Taliban were able to do that just fine with little more than the American people would have or acquire in short order, somehow the existence of jet fighters would make us incapable of doing anything.

Look, I'd like for us to get to a point where there's not even a hint of us being about to find out who is right on this, but even then, I'm not giving up my guns. I will not allow these people to make us like Cuba, where the ruling authorities just wave their hands and make it even harder for anyone law-abiding to get a gun.

Especially as it's clear from this story that guns are getting on the island quite well despite the restrictions.
