Why Gun Rights Advocates NEED to Turn Out For WI Supreme Court Race

AP Photo/Jeffrey Phelps

State Supreme Court races are, generally, not something I pay much attention to. I should, since these are the people who decide the constitutionality of a lot of state laws, including gun laws. Just look at what New Mexico's state Supreme Court has done, for example.


Yeah, I'm learning my lesson on that front.

Which brings me to Wisconsin.

Right now, there's a serious fight between former Attorney General Brad Schimel and Circuit Court Judge Susan Crawford. With just that, it sounds like both have the qualifications for the role.

But that's where such thoughts should end.

Wisconsin has been pretty good on gun rights, but that might change should Crawford win. That would give Democrats--who tend to be anti-gun while in elected offices--the edge.

Gov. Scott Walker noted Crawford as a threat to the right to keep and bear arms, among other things. "She’d end concealed carry or even the first in the nation voucher program out of Milwaukee.  You see the very specific national implications for the congressional boundaries and what that would mean in the short term, but you also see a huge impact certainly within Wisconsin, but arguably on these issues, even nationally," he said in a discussion with Townhall Media.  

She also referred to Voter ID as a poll tax, which is funny considering how many favored policies of anti-gunners--policies that it's unlikely Crawford would take issue with--are actually poll taxes. And never mind that you can get a free ID for voting purposes in Wisconsin.


So Crawford is a threat should she get elected, but is there a real chance of that?

Well, yeah. There really is. Currently, she and Schimel are in a dead heat, both polling at around 47 percent, and an insane amount of money is flowing into her coffers. Walker notes, "Crawford last week surpassed a mark that was $10 million higher than what I spent on my first gubernatorial campaign. So the dollar amount here is astronomical."

Whose funding her, well, that's no secret. "You know, usual suspects, George Soros, JD Pritzker, Reid Hoffman," Walker points out.

Elon Musk has turned his attention to the state, including a special talk where one can only gain admission if you voted in the race. That's helping to even out the playing field just a bit, but it's still important, and not just for state gun laws. As Walker noted, the congressional boundaries are going to be an issue coming up, and Crawford hasn't been shy about her goal. 

"She said it or her campaign said it several months ago through a fundraising call with National Democrats that part of the goal here was to pick up two House seats.  It was reaffirmed this last Monday by Hakeem Jeffries," Walker said.

If that happens, say goodbye to President Trump's agenda, which includes things like National Recprocity, among other bits of pro-gun legislation.


So yeah, Crawford is terrible. Is Schimel any better?

Well, yeah. Significantly.

Schimel is NRA-endorsed, for one thing.

“Brad Schimel is an ardent supporter of the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding gun owners and sportsmen in Wisconsin,” said John Commerford, NRA-PVF Chairman. “As Attorney General, he consistently and continuously defended Constitutional freedoms, especially the individual right to keep and bear arms. The Second Amendment rights of Wisconsinites will be protected with Brad Schimel on the Wisconsin Supreme Court.”

This year’s Wisconsin Supreme Court election will determine the balance of power on the court and dictate the future of cherished rights and traditions in Wisconsin. At stake is a litany of pro-gun and pro-hunting laws including the right to carry and the ability of an individual to defend themselves and their family in their home.

“The Wisconsin State Constitution states that, 'The people have the right to keep and bear arms for security, defense, hunting, recreation, or any lawful purpose',” continued Commerford. “Brad Schimel has demonstrated his respect for that provision of the state constitution and is the best candidate for the highest court in Wisconsin to uphold the Second Amendment rights of peaceable gun owners.”


So for gun rights advocates, it's a no-brainer.

Schimel is an essential win, or Wisconsin is going to have problems with the right to keep and bear arms. It's really just that simple. 

If you're in Wisconsin, do not think of this off-year election as something worthy of skipping. It's not. No election is. You must turn out or face the possibility of your rights being eroded away by an activist judge who just wants more power with which she can force her own agenda onto the people of Wisconsin.

For those of us outside of the state, we need to throw our support behind Schimel. Donations, talking him up to folks who live there, whatever you can do.

This matters. Don't let it get away from us.

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