GUNS OUT: 2A Group Targets Anti-Gun Legislators

Things are getting heated in the gun world, especially with gun control advocates doing everything in their power to defeat the Second Amendment. But there’s one group who has ramped up their pulled cards out of their back pocket: Gun Owners of America (GOA).


Earlier this week, GOA submitted a letter to the House Energy and Commerce Committee expressing their concern over House Bill 1652, Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s Over-the-Counter Hearing Aid Act.

According to GOA, the bill could adversely affect gun owners. By establishing this new regulation, “hearing enhancers,” used by hunters to amplify sound, would mean the government could regulate hunting.

Devices used for hunting are similar to hearing aids but are often used by those without hearing loss. Stores like Cabela’s and Bass Pro Shops sell these hearing-aid type of devices to improve a hunter’s ability to detect the presence of game.

“There’s a pretty good chance that these hunting devices would fall within Warren’s definition of ‘over-the-counter hearing aid.’ Which would mean that a new federal bureaucracy would be in charge of regulating hunting,” the letter reads.


GOA isn’t the first group to come out against this bill. In fact, more than 20 conservative organizations submitted a letter with their concerns.

Their concern? Personal sound amplification products (PSAP) can currently be purchased over-the-counter at pharmacies and are often used by people without hearing loss. If this bill passed, people would be required to go through the regulations associated with medical-grade hearing aids.


Elizabeth Warren isn’t the only legislator GOA has called out. Senator Chuck Schumer has made the gun group’s short list.

GOA is now urging gun owners to contact their representatives and voice their concerns over the Schumer amendment to the Firearm Owners’ Protection Act of 1986. Under the Schumer amendment, once a person loses his or her Second Amendment rights, they can never get them back.

From Gun Owners of America’s pre-written letter for gun owners:

The Firearm Owners’ Protection Act of 1986 contained a provision which would allow persons subject to a gun ban to regain their constitutional rights.

Make no mistake about it:  The procedure is no “piece of cake.” A person has to convince the ATF that they don’t represent a danger, or, failing that, they have to convince a federal court.

But even this is too much for the gun-hating Schumer.  For roughly 25 years, the “Schumer amendment” to the Commerce-Justice-Science Appropriations Bill has prohibited any federal funds from being used to restore anyone’s constitutional rights.

So for much of this time, if a person were a veteran with PTSD, they’re out of luck.  If they had a conviction for a federal regulatory offense — fifty years ago — they’re out of luck.  They will NEVER get their guns back, thanks to Democrat Chuck Schumer.


Every year, the Schumer amendment is renewed on the House’s appropriations bill.GOA has made a formal request with the Committee on Appropriations and the Commerce, Justice, Science subcommittee to delete the amendment.

““It is important for Congress to repeal the Schumer ban immediately.  Too many good Americans are being prevented from exercising their Second Amendment rights.  We hope that Rep. John Culberson (R-TX-7) will single-handedly remove the Schumer ban from his Commerce-Justice-State appropriations bill,” GOA Executive Director Erich Pratt told Breitbart.

Now the question is, will Republicans in the House of Representatives stand up for our Second Amendment rights?

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Cam Edwards 11:31 AM | October 21, 2024