An armed robber in Dallas chose the wrong person to try to rob early Thursday morning in Dallas, Texas, and wound up taking multiple rounds from his “victim” as a result:
Dallas police say an armed robbery suspect was killed when his intended victim pulled his own gun and shot the suspect early Thursday.
Authorities say Victor D. Logan, 19, was attempting to rob another man at gunpoint about 1 a.m. in the 7200 block of Chesterfield Drive, near Southwest Center Mall.
That man, identified as 38-year-old Larico Jackson, pulled a handgun and shot Logan in self-defense, police said.
Logan, who was shot multiple times, made it into his vehicle and sped away but didn’t make it far before crashing into a bus stop.
He was taken to Methodist Charlton Medical Center but died from his injuries. Jackson was unhurt, and he has been questioned and released.
Police said the case will be referred to a grand jury to determine whether any charges are filed.
The police did not note that the man who killed the attempted robber had a concealed carry permit, which is something that they typically note if they happen to have one on file.
Prosecutors will typically look at a number of factors before deciding whether or not charges in an instance, but regardless of charges, I’m sure that Mr. Jackson is happy to be alive, and society is likely better off without the threat of Victor Logan.
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