The Monsters Attacking Sandy Hook Families Are The Worst Of Us

The conspiracy theorists who still scream that the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre was faked continue to attack the families of the victims.

Just one week ahead of the fourth anniversary of the deadly shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, at Sandy Hook Elementary School, one father talked to CNN’s Anderson Cooper on “AC360” about the hate he has received from various individuals who believe the incident was fake.

“They don’t think anything bad ever happens, they don’t think anyone ever gets hurt,” said Len Pozner, a father of one of the 20 children killed in the mass shooting. “They think whenever they see anything on the web or on television that is a crime or mass casualty event that has to be a hoax.”

The father received voice mails from what he called a “hoaxer,” and has experienced other online hate as well. Pozner said, “They’re pretty intense. … I still remember the chills that were running down my body, hearing the voice mails. It’s over the top.”


One of these psychos was just criminally charged for threatening Mr. Pozner.

In the latest episode over the proliferation of fake news and the people who believe it, a Tampa woman who thinks the Sandy Hook school massacre in Newtown, Conn., was staged has been charged with threatening a parent of one of the slain children.

The woman, Lucy Richards, 57, faces four counts of transmitting threats in interstate commerce. Ms. Richards sent four messages in January that said things such as: “You gonna die. Death is coming to you real soon,” according to an indictment made public on Wednesday.

Ms. Richards’s belief “that the school shooting was a hoax and never happened allegedly motivated her to make the charged threats,” the United States attorney’s office in Miami said in a statement. Each charge carries a maximum five-year sentence upon conviction.

According to the indictment, the threats were sent to a parent identified only as “L.P.” The initials are an apparent reference to Lenny Pozner, whose son, Noah, was the youngest of 20 children murdered at Sandy Hook Elementary School four years ago.

Sandy Hook is easily the most chilling attack on an American elementary school in recent memory, and only the Bath School disaster was more bloody.

I completely understand why people want there to be a conspiracy.

Frankly, I think I get why people would rather believe in elaborate conspiracy theories than the terrifying reality of what occurred.

If someone can convince themselves that a shadowy government agency was behind the atrocities that took place inside Sandy Hook Elementary, then it wasn’t a random event, but something that was carefully planned out and controlled… someone was in charge, and there was reason to it even if it was horrible.

It’s a lot less painful to believe in a grand government conspiracy than be forced to deal with the even more harsh and terrifying reality that human monsters can lurk inside almost anyone, and lash out against anyone, anywhere, without warning or reason.


It’s easier to deal with the idea of planned, controlled evil committed in the service of some higher purpose than it is to accept the terrifying reality that monsters wearing human suits walk among us, and that some will strike with terrifying ferocity. I get that—deep down—people want some rationality, however perverse, behind the killing of these innocent souls.

I’m sorry. It doesn’t exist.

The nasty, demented monster behind this killing had no other goal in his life than seeing how many people he could kill in a mass shooting. He chose school children as his targets, correctly figuring they were easier targets than adults who might flee.

He was hoping to create for himself a name that would live in infamy like other mass and spree killers who came before him. This sick goal one of the reasons were refuse to name mass and spree killers here at Bearing Arms. It’s perhaps a small and futile gesture, but one we feel is import to make. We will not say his name. We will not give him the dark celebrity he coveted.

We would deny his name, but the act was undoubtably real. None of the crackpot conspiracy theorists can change the horrific reality that 27 families experienced the death of a loved one that day. None of them can explain how Newtown, Connecticut—a city of more than 28,000 that is the home of the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF)—took part in an elaborate and perfect hoax where a “cast of thousands” perpetrated a fraud in order to institute a gun confiscation plot which never took place.


The sad reality is that Sandy Hook was undefended. Most elementary schools in this nation still are. We’re apparently going have to suffer a much more deadly attack on the magnitude of Beslan before we finally listen to experts and harden our our schools.

Stop pushing stupid conspiracy theories that only reveal that you lack the common sense to tell an AR-15 from an AK-pattern shotgun. Stop listening to crackpots—I’m looking square at you, Alex Jones—who profit for stirring up the stupid, the gullible, and the mentally weak.

I strongly disagree with the path that some of the Sandy Hook families have taken after their loves ones were snatched from them by a young man consumed by evil. I think the lawsuits they’ve filed are wrong-headed and counterproductive. I think Sandy Hook Promise has likewise been co-opted and is little more than another gun control group.

But I understand where they’re coming from, and I do not doubt their sincerity. 27 families had their wives and children ripped away from them that awful day.

Anyone who calls them liars or frauds and goes so far as to threaten them as they struggle to push on after such a crippling loss is a horrible human being.

It was horrific, and it was real.

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