Gun Control Isn't The Answer To The Rising Suicide Rate

My colleague Tom has covered the new poll that shows the vast majority of Americans have no idea that the majority of gun-related deaths in this country are suicides, not homicides or firearms accidents, and why gun control activists are so intent on portraying that mental health issue as something that can be solved through more gun control.  Today on Bearing Arms Cam & Co. we delve a bit deeper into the issue by talking with Dr. Warren Farrell, the author of the new book The Boy Crisis: Why Our Boys Are Struggling and What We Can Do About It.


Dr. Farrell notes that men commit suicide at a far greater rate than women, and that phenomenon occurs as early as adolescence. What can be done to lower those risks and to treat the underlying issues and causes, as opposed to trying to treat the crisis through things like waiting periods for firearms or red flag laws? What harms are we causing when we focus on gun control as a solution, rather than addressing the reasons why the suicide rate is the highest it’s been since World War II? It’s a fascinating conversation, and I’m glad Dr. Farrell could join me.

We also have a bizarre armed citizen story out of Arkansas, a South Carolina man on trial for murder who walked with away with probation after a previous assault on the woman he’s accused of killing, and a good Samaritan who helped a little girl find her way home after she managed to slip away from her elementary school.


You can get the show as a podcast through Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, and’s podcast page, as well as watching via the YouTube link above. Thanks as always for watching, listening, and spreading the word!

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