Should You Be Prepping For Potential Unrest?

Yes, according to‘s Jon Stokes, though political violence/Civil War 2.0 is not his primary concern at the moment. On today’s Bearing Arms’ Cam & Co, Stokes says what’s really keeping him up at night at the moment is the prospect of a cratering economy over the next few months as COVID-19 cases rise, stores shut down once again, and millions of us struggle to keep a roof over our heads and food on our table.


That’s not to say that Stokes blithely dismisses the possibility of widespread unrest, but for now at least he thinks the prospects are overblown. If Donald Trump were to pull out an election victory, that would increase the likelihood of violent demonstrations on the Left, but Stokes believes that we’re going to continue to see antifa and anarchist violence continue even in a Biden administration.

That sign was spotted in Portland, Oregon last night, where Gov. Kate Brown called out the National Guard for the first time (funny how that didn’t happen before Election Day). So yeah, antifa’s not going away, though the media will have zero interest in covering any political violence in a potential Biden administration unless it can be blamed on the right.

If you’re concerned about the potential for any unrest, or even more lockdowns, Stokes has some solid advice on the most important necessities if you’re starting to get into prepping. We didn’t spend a lot of time today talking about guns and ammo, because at this point its basically a matter of getting what’s available, but we do discuss what your pantry should look like and some of the best places to stock up on the basics of a good food supply (hint, it’s not your local supermarket).


Be sure to check out the entire conversation above, and head over to for plenty of more tips on how to survive and thrive in uncertain times.

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