The first primaries of the 2024 election may still be several months away, but the race for the Republican nomination is already heating up, and now we’re giving you a chance to weigh in!
Each month until the Republican nominee is decided, Bearing Arms and Townhall Media are giving our incredible audience of Second Amendment supporters the opportunity to cast their vote in the Townhall Media 2024 Straw Poll.
We know that Bearing Arms readers and viewers of Cam & Co are an active and engaged part of the conservative base, and their vote will be crucial in deciding who the Republican nominee will be in what promises to be the most consequential election of our lifetime.
It’s easy to cast your vote; just click this link and get started. You can cast a vote every 30 days until the nomination is decided, and a very cool feature of this straw poll is that you can keep track of the results as they change over time. In fact, as soon as you cast your vote you’ll get live results delivered right into your inbox, and we’ll be updating all votes and posting the latest results right here at Bearing Arms at the end of each month.
Want to see Donald Trump once again take up the mantle of the GOP nominee? Would you rather have some new blood at the helm, like Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis or Sen. Tim Scott? Maybe you’ve been a big fan of Asa Hutchinson since his days as governor of Arkansas, or his role in creating the NRA’s School Shield program? Perhaps you were wowed by Vivek Ramaswamy’s speech to NRA members in Indianapolis last month and want to show him some love. No matter who your choice is or your reasons for supporting them, here’s your chance to weigh in and help shape the primaries in the months ahead.
This will be a crucial election for our Second Amendment rights, with Democrats clamoring to pack the Supreme Court full of anti-gun justices that will overturn the Heller, McDonald, and Bruen decisions at the first available opportunity and Joe Biden calling for a ban on “assault weapons” (and threatening to deploy F-16s against armed citizens) on a regular basis. Defeating Biden and the Democrats’ anti-2A agenda is crucial if we’re going to continue making progress on strengthening and securing our right to keep and bear arms, and picking the right candidate to take on the anti-gun left is critically important.
Your voice and your vote matters, and not only when Primary Day rolls around in your home state. Sound off on your top Second Amendment defender by casting your vote in the Townhall Media 2024 Straw Poll. I know we’re all in support of our right to keep and bear arms here, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have differing opinions on the best candidate to represent us at the ballot box next November, and this is a great opportunity to weigh in on who you think should be leading the charge against Biden’s radical anti-gun agenda in 2024. Vote early, vote often (or at least once every 30 days), but don’t neglect this opportunity to cast your vote and be counted.
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