
New Poll: Vast Majority of Americans Don't Care If In-Laws Own Guns

AP Photo/Carlos Osorio

For decades now the gun control lobby has been waging a cultural war against gun ownership right alongside their legislative and legal efforts to destroy the Second Amendment. The most obvious evidence of their failure to convince a majority of Americans that there's something abnormal and taboo about exercising our right to keep and bear arms is the fact that more Americans are embracing their Second Amendment rights, but a new poll from Monmouth University also points to the gun control lobby's inability to move the needle. 

In its survey, Monmouth University asked 808 adults a series of questions about how they'd feel if their in-laws did certain things, from voting for either Donald Trump or Joe Biden to owning a firearm. Not only did the vast majority of those surveyed say that gun ownership wouldn't matter to them, more respondents said they'd be happy to learn that their new in-law was a gun owner than disappointed. 

One situation where there has been a small Republican shift is the prospect of a family member marrying a gun owner. Among all Americans, 22% would be happy with this match, 14% would be unhappy, and 60% say it would not matter to them. There has been only a slight shift in overall national opinion about this type of situation since 2014, when it stood at 17% happy, 19% unhappy, and 62% would not matter. Among Republicans, 41% would be happy if a family member married a gun owner (up from 32%) and just 4% would be unhappy (down from 10%), while 52% say it would not matter (down from 57%). There has been little movement in Democratic opinion of this situation, though. In the current poll, 8% of Democrats would be happy (8% in 2014), 30% would be unhappy (28% in 2014), and 59% say a family member marrying a gun owner would not matter to them (62% in 2014).

Even most Democrats say it wouldn't matter if one of their family members married a gun owner, which has to be absolutely demoralizing for the gun-haters. 

What's more, the younger voters who are supposed to be the backbone of the Democrats' anti-gun activism now and in the future don't seem to care much if a gun owner joins the family. 

Just 14% of 18-34-year-olds surveyed said they'd be unhappy, compared to 21% who would be generally pleased with welcoming a gun owner to the fold. And 64% of younger voters don't care one way or the other, which is terrible news for the gun control lobby. 

Those over the age of 55 were most likely to express reservations about a gun-owning in-law, but even in that cohort more respondents would be happy (24%) to have a gun owner marry into their family than be upset (17%). And once again, an outright majority of 54% say it doesn't matter to them one way or another. 

In one respect, these results aren't surprising. The Monmouth poll found that most Americans say they don't care whether their in-laws vote Republican or Democrat, are born-again Christians or atheists, or marry outside their own race, so the results about gun ownership are right in line with the live-and-let-live attitude displayed by a majority of survey respondents on other topics.   

But we don't really have a sustained cultural campaign against atheists or interracial marriage that's comparable to the efforts of the gun control lobby to treat gun ownership as a taboo or shameful activity. For more than half a century the anti-gunners have been intent on convincing Americans to reject their Second Amendment rights, and based on the results of the Monmouth survey that sustained campaign has resulted in a small shift (within the poll's margin of error) among Democrats, and no movement towards their direction from Republicans or independents.

The results of this survey aren't going to convince the anti-gunners to give up. If anything, they're likely to double down on their pathetic attempts to convince Americans that gun ownership is a terrible thing. That doesn't change the fact that they're losing this argument with folks across the political spectrum. And as more Americans from all walks of life embrace their Second Amendment rights the fearmongering from the likes of Everytown, Giffords, and Brady is going to have even less of an impact. Gun control activists may be playing the long game, but when it comes to Americans' attitudes toward gun ownership they're losing ground. 
