Just after 1 p.m., four men between 18 and 20 years old and one juvenile entered the Zhang family’s home in the 13000 block of Gemstone Court via a balcony off the Zhang family’s back yard, San Bernardino sheriff’s officials said in a statement.“They were home and then several (suspects) kind of tried to pry the door open, tried to get in,” neighbor Tony Tran told KTLA. “(Zhang) got a gun so he fired a warning shot and was able to apprehend them until the police showed up.”
Although two of the suspects fled the scene, Zhang successfully held the other three would-be home intruders face down at gunpoint on his pool patio until police arrived.
While Zhang wasn’t forced to shoot any of the suspects with his gun, he was able to shoot something else: pictures of the suspects with his cell phone.
Once police had secured the area and the suspects were safely tucked away in jail, Zhang uploaded his pics to a Chinese social media site, where they quickly spread like wildfire.
Two of the five suspects were able to flee, but neighbors assisted deputies in locating them, officials said.
Roberto Alonso Salmon, 18; Garret Rogers, 19; Ruben Medivil, 19; Joaquin Leonardo Salmon Garcia, 20; and a 17-year-old boy were all arrested on suspicion of attempted burglary.
Police report Zhang and his family did not sustain any injuries in the attempted home invasion.
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