Switchblade ban repeal introduced in Virginia

(AP Photo/Transportation Security Administration)

The Second Amendment applies to all bearable arms. Oftentimes people tend to forget that this right is not just about guns. Think of a group of knights in a movie and their “call to arms!” Those arms were swords. Right? What else is a bearable arm that’s protected by the Second Amendment? Knives. Which is why it’s exciting that Virginia has a new switchblade knife ban repeal bill that’s been filed. On January 21, 2022 Senate Bill 758 was introduced by Senator Pillion. The summary indicates the bill’s intent:


A BILL to amend and reenact § 18.2-311 of the Code of Virginia, relating to selling or possessing switchblade.

In a press release by Knife Rights, the following was mentioned:

Knife Rights’ Virginia Switchblade Ban Repeal Bill, SB 758, has been introduced by Senator Todd Pillion. Similar bills in 2017 and 2019 passed the legislature, but were vetoed by hostile governors. A new governor and legislative makeup gives us hope we can get it done this time.

Knife Rights will let you know when it is time to contact your legislators to support SB 758.

Knife Rights had led the effort to repeal switchblade bans or restrictions in 18 states, starting with New Hampshire in 2010. Repeals have since been enacted in Alaska, Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Washington and Wisconsin.

Altogether, Knife Rights’ efforts have resulted in 34 bills enacted repealing knife bans in 23 states and over 150 cities and towns since 2010.

The complete text of the bill is as follows:

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

  1. That § 18.2-311 of the Code of Virginia is amended and reenacted as follows:

18.2-311. Prohibiting the selling or having in possession blackjacks, etc.  If any person sells or barters, or exhibits for sale or for barter, or gives or furnishes, or causes to be  sold, bartered, given, or furnished, or has in his possession, or under his control, with the intent of  selling, bartering, giving, or furnishing, any blackjack, brass or metal knucks, any disc of whatever configuration having at least two points or pointed blades which that is designed to be thrown or propelled and which that may be known as a throwing star or oriental dart, switchblade knife, ballistic knife as defined in § 18.2-307.1, or like weapons, such person is guilty of a Class 4 misdemeanor. The having in one’s possession of any such weapon shall be prima facie evidence, except in the case of a conservator of the peace, of his intent to sell, barter, give, or furnish the same.


The work that’s being done across the country by Knife Rights is commendable. The group has acted to repeal so many unconstitutional laws on the topic of these small bearable arms. Overall what’s being done in that arena naturally helps the case for the deregulation of many other arms, including firearms.

The knife law in the United States is a patchwork of laws, often quite confusing. Prohibitions on the carrying and or possession of certain knifes might be subject to a stricter scrutiny in the upcoming post NYSRPA world. With Virginia having installed a new, friendly to arms governor, the matter of this bill becoming law is on point and should be open and shut.

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