Bill introduced to disarm IRS


The relationship between IRS agents and them being armed goes way back. Keeping in the back of our minds that the IRS was responsible for upholding prohibition, it was those agents tasked with taking down all the gangsters. We all know that prohibition of any kind does not generally work, with alcohol prohibition being an abject failure, the whole debacle acted to put our government executive agencies on steroids.


With other three letter agencies now out there since the days Capone was handing out turkeys to those in need have passed, why is the IRS still armed? Someone somewhere could probably give me a full run down, but suffice it to say not too many people are pleased by the rumored 80,000+ potential new hires to the agency, and they’re presumably going to be armed. A Congressman has a simple solution to help alleviate some of the very valid concerns some American citizens have with a near doubling of the agency of take, disarm them.

A bill was introduced on August 30, 2022 by Congressman Ralph Norman of South Carolina. The bill’s current title: H.R. 8762: To restrict the possession, use, and acquisition of firearms and ammunition by the Internal Revenue Service.

The bill is nearly as succinct as the title:


(a) Restriction On Possession And Use Of Firearms.—Any officer or employee of the Internal Revenue Service hired after the date of the enactment of this Act—

(1) shall not be in possession of a firearm while performing official duties, and

(2) shall not receive training in use of a firearm in connection with such duties.

(b) Prohibition On Acquisition Of Firearms And Ammunition.—The Internal Revenue Service shall not, after the date of the enactment of this Act, acquire any firearm or ammunition.


This bill sends a clear message to those in the habit of exercising executive overreach. The thought of having more armed federal officers, that aren’t necessarily known to be a welcomed caller nor known for actual peacekeeping, is disconcerning, and this will perhaps dampen fears.

Let’s face it, if you got a call from any three letter agency, you’re not going to be clicking your heels. However, let’s say the caller was the FBI (maybe a bad example?) that’s investigating an act of terrorism, one would possibly be more inclined to talk, as it’s a matter of national security and protection of life. The IRS calls with good or helpful news when? I certainly have never received “an error was made” letter or call from a bonafide IRS agent telling me I’m getting money back or some other good news. Usually there’s a $50.00 fine or fee for a $5.00 deficit in payment.

Further, should there be some sort of ulterior motive with bringing this many more potential agents onboard, this could stave off whatever expected “effectiveness” the administration has for the new hires. Regardless, this type of measure would be a net positive in my mind, as we already have an armed agency that’s adopted the job of executing house pets. Why would we really need to have so many more armed officers, in such an agency no less?


While this bill does not have a chance of getting passed nor signed into law with the current Congress and commander in napping himself, it does though  put the topic on the radar. Most measures are introduced multiple times prior to them passing and subsequently becoming law. 

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