DC Project heading to Nashville for start of special session

The other day, Cam had John Harris, the executive director of the Tennessee Firearms Association, on his show to discuss the upcoming special legislative session. Governor Bill Lee called for it in order to possibly have a so-called “red flag” bill ramrodded through. Earlier this year, I covered a poll that had results that showed support contrary to measures Lee supports. There’s no appetite for red flag laws to the informed voter, and these provisions are unconstitutional. The insistence that such a measure gets implemented in the Volunteer State has caused our friends from the DC Project to announce an upcoming press conference.


DC Project-Women for Gun Rights Press Conference on Special Session for Gun Control

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — DC Project-Women for Gun Rights will discuss the upcoming special session on gun control.  Hear from moms, a law enforcement professional, survivors of violence and experts in firearms safety on why they oppose the calls for more gun control. Several House Republican leaders will attend.

WHAT: Press Conference
WHEN: Monday, August 21, 2023, 12:30PM CST
WHERE: Please contact Dianna Muller [email protected]  / www.dcproject.info

The DC Project is a nationwide organization of women committed to safeguarding the Second Amendment. A non-partisan initiative of daughters, mothers, and sisters that believe education is the key to firearm safety and violence prevention, not legislation.

The DC Project is doing some serious heavy lifting across the nation. I’d certainly be interested in sitting in on the conference and look forward to hopefully catching a rewind of it in possible future online videos. Perhaps the teal clad superheroes will be able instill the right amount of education into Governor Lee’s noggin, and show the legislators that supporting “gun control” measures is a poison pill.

Lee has adamantly stated that his past proposals were not red flag laws, but rather, a totally and completely different thing than red flag laws. Looking over those ideas, Lee wants a red flag law by any other name, with the same flavor of lack of due process tyranny, just the lite version.


Granted, the proposed law by Lee would be an improvement on many states’ existing unconstitutional measures, however, replacing an awful law with one that’s less awful is not on the table. What’s on the table is the devolution of civil liberties in a state that should continue to push for a strong support of the Second Amendment by welcoming the repeal of liberty infringing policies. Unlike laws in states like New Jersey, the Gestapo is not going to kick in your door in the middle of the night in a no-knock raid under Lee’s proposal, but it would still be classified as “goose stepping lite.”

The DC Project has always maintained that they believe in education over legislation, and that’s a very important thing on this topic. The one thing that stood out on the formerly mentioned poll is that an uninformed voter was more inclined to support a red flag law, however after being told what such a measure is or does, they’d drop that support.

Prior to an informed ballot, voters show initial support for Red Flag Laws, with 62% in favor of the measure, including 57% of Republicans. However, support rapidly drops by 21 points, a full 1/3, after voters are informed that such laws leave dangerous people in the community and violate due process rights, with 49% reporting being less likely to support the measure, including 1-in-3 Democrats.


Any members of the press that can pop in or supporters of the Second Amendment should turn up. These ladies don’t mince words and if Lee does not hear them loud and clear, that’s because he’s deaf. Go get ’em ladies!

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