N.J. Governor’s Wife Eyeing Senate Seat to Continue Dynasty of Anti-Liberty Agenda

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

New Jersey has been in an awful spot for years concerning politics. The Garden State has been embroiled in political controversy after controversy. Whether we’re talking about the alleged Bridgegate from former Governor Christie’s administration, former Democratic Governor Jim McGreevey’s resignation allegedly because he’s gay, or perhaps former Democratic Governor Jon Corzine and his alleged role in the unlawful use of funds, we’ve got drama – and that’s just the big dogs of recent times. The latest scandals involve Democratic Senator Robert “Bob” Menendez, and his second bout of dealing with heavy allegations. With the Senator finally falling from grace within his party, carpetbagger Governor Phil Murphy’s wife, Tammy Murphy, is throwing her hat in the ring.


I’m not going to claim to be some sort of a clairvoyant, but I called this over a month ago in a piece over at News2A.com [emphasis added].

Earlier in the week we got some sentiments and lip service from Democratic Governor Phil Murphy, Attorney General Platkin, and for whatever reason Tammy Murphy, the Governor’s wife. Why anyone cares about what Tammy Murphy thinks is beyond me, especially since we can be assured her sentiments were not sent from inside her office with that overpriced door. Unless of course Murphy is trying to set the stage to appoint her as a Senator, should a seat open up, and wants the people used to hearing from her…

Maybe I was off in thinking the Murph wanted to appoint his better half, but nonetheless, I landed in the correct arena. I thought it was suspiciously fishy that the Democratic party in near lock-step condemned Menendez for his latest alleged escapades when in the past he drew nothing but support. And honestly, the former allegations included underage prostitution acts, which the Democrats – and voters – did not seem to have an issue with. But they have issues with his latest shenanigans? How is it that gold and money trump allegations of underage sexual abuse and exploitation?

Hands down, Governor Phil Murphy has been involving the fairer of the Murphys in more and more of his administration’s press releases. I even recently commented to a friend and colleague about this, and in my opinion, Phil Murphy is using his office to better position his wife in running in the primary.


It’s now a foregone conclusion that she’ll be primarying Menendez – if he doesn’t drop out beforehand. The Democratic machine has been instructed, and this is going to be the path forward. I’m going to call foul here and now, with how Phil Murphy is shilling for her campaign through State of New Jersey press releases and his office. That’s something Attorney General Platkin should be looking into.

What does this mean for gun owners? More bad news. Not that there could be a worse than Menendez, as they’re all cut from the same progressive cabal cloth, but this would be further continuing a dynasty. Tammy Murphy’s stance on guns can’t be any better than her jack-jawed husband’s and has listed so-called “gun violence” as a priority should she be elected.

“We need a senator who will work every single day to lower the cost of living, protect abortion rights, end the gun violence epidemic, and defend our democracy,” Murphy said in a roughly four-minute-long video posted online.

Murphy’s sidequest in protecting abortion rights envelops the women empowerment ideal that was parroted by Debbie Walsh, the director of the Center for American Women and Politics at Rutgers University. Walsh lauded the opportunity, noting the “system” can be surprising.

“This is one individual woman who has the advantage here of being able to use the system that has been the challenge or the barrier to women’s participation. In some ways maybe that’s the way we get the first woman in the Senate, maybe that’s the breakthrough.”


While Walsh and Murphy are patting each other on the backs for their womanliness and invoking the empowerment of using her positioning to get further ahead – nepotism and cronyism – we don’t hear anything concerning the serious rape allegations that were rampant within Governor Phil Murphy’s camp prior to his election.

Katie Brennan’s January 2019 lawsuit claimed that her assault allegations against Murphy campaign adviser Albert Alvarez, which she made after volunteering on the governor’s run for office, weren’t properly investigated.

Brennan claimed that Alvarez raped her in her Jersey City apartment in April 2017 after the pair left a gathering with other campaign staffers.

in 2017, Brennan made complaints to high-ranking officials in the Murphy administration, including Murphy and his wife, Tammy, about the attack.

In another report, Brennan’s concerns were said to be directly sent to both Murphy’s.

On June 1, Brennan emailed the governor and his wife, Tammy, to request a meeting. She cited a “sensitive matter” without disclosing the assault.

The governor wrote back within the hour, telling Brennan to “hang in. We are on it.”  Murphy has said he wasn’t made aware of the allegations until October, when the Journal contacted his office.

The day after her email exchange with the governor, Brennan said, she was contacted by Jonathan Berkon, an attorney who had served as a lawyer on the campaign. About a week later, Berkon told Brennan that Alvarez would be leaving the administration, but the lawyer would not say why, calling it a human resources matter, according to Tuesday’s testimony.

Brennan said she did not mention Alvarez when Berkon called her, suggesting that the lawyer knew about him beforehand.

No meeting was scheduled with the governor or first lady.


Where was Tammy Murphy when that was going on? Apparently she was too busy discriminating against a lactating member of her security detail.

The first lady was named in a gender discrimination lawsuit this year brought by state troopers who worked on the detail responsible for providing security for the governor. The suit alleges that Tammy Murphy denied a trooper the use of a carriage house on Murphy’s property to pump breast milk.

As for my urging of Attorney General Platkin to investigate Governor Murphy using his office to bolster Tammy’s chances, I know there’s no chance of that happening. Aside from Platkin being the Murph’s lapdog, the three make fine bedfellows considering the rape allegations and how it was all mishandled.

Platkin’s name comes up 170 times in the 123-page investigatory report on Brennan’s case that the New Jersey Legislative Select Oversight Committee issued in June 2019 after hearing testimony from multiple Murphy administration officials.

The blistering report took administration officials to task for everything from initially hiding the incident from the governor to hiring Alvarez and failing to boot him out the door quickly enough after Brennan told bosses about her accusations. Platkin — who had been friends with both Brennan and Alvarez and attended the party that preceded the alleged assault — even tried to help Alvarez find his next job, the committee said. Platkin denied that in his testimony.


It’s clear that all the Murphys collectively care about is the proliferation of power. Part of their track record of negligence and horrible deeds includes a strong anti-liberty stance. Tammy Murphy running for Senate is bad for everyone in the U.S., in particular gun owners and subscribers of freedom and liberty.

The topic of corruption and controversy brought up earlier can clearly be seen within the Murphy administration. As noted, Tammy Murphy was implicated in scandals going back before there was a Murphy administration. This is a woman who was complicit in letting rape allegations go unacknowledged and has since discriminated against a female member of her security detail. Now she wants to come after Americans’ guns and their right to armed self-defense.

What some may try to paint as a scandal-free administration has been embroiled in controversy after controversy. We’ve all heard the saying that behind every good man is a better woman, right? Well, in this case, sadly we’re looking at the worse woman behind a bad man. There’s no doubt in my mind that we’d be worse off with a Murphy over – and it pains me to say it – Menendez serving as Senator.

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Tom Knighton 5:28 PM | March 25, 2025