NRA Announces Record Attendance at 2013 Annual Meetings

The National Rifle Associated has announced the attendance for the 2013 Annual Meetings and it’s a new record: 86,288 people.

The NRA held its annual meetings in Houston from May 3-5 and hosted speakers like Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, Taya Kyle, Senator Ted Cruz, Governor Rick Perry, Governor Bobby Jindal, former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. John Bolton, Fox News’ Judge Jeanine Pirro, Chris Cox and others. The George R. Brown convention center floor was filled with 620 exhibitors and gun safety, self defense and outdoor education classes were jam packed throughout the weekend.


At the convention, NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre announced the organization had officially reached 5 million members.



Related: The NRA: Representing More Than the Second Amendment

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