BREAKING: At Least 11 Dead In Virginia Beach Mass Shooting

At least 11 people are reportedly dead after a gunman opened fire inside of a Virginia Beach, VA municipal building earlier today.

Police report that the shooter, a local utility worker, was also killed in the attack.


t least 11 people were killed after a gunman opened fire at a municipal building in Virginia Beach, Virginia, police Chief James Cervera told reporters Friday night.

The shooter, who was was a public utilities worker, also is dead, Cervera said. The chief said the gunman fired “indiscriminately.”
“This is the most devastating day in the history of Virginia Beach,” said Mayor Bobby Dyer. “The people involved are our friends, coworkers, neighbor, colleagues.”
Cervera said the shooter was confronted shortly after opening fire on multiple floors. There was an exchange of gunfire with officers, the chief said.

The shooting reportedly took place in building 2 of the municipal center which is the home of several departments of local government sometime after 4:00 Eastern time. Witnesses described the shooting as “indiscriminate.”

Virginia Governor Ralph Northam put out this tweet earlier today.

Among the wounded is at least one police officer whose body armor took the brunt of the shot aimed at him.

As of right now, information is still sketchy and subject to change. That includes the death toll. As noted above, CNN is reported 11 killed. NBC News claims 12 in their hedline, though that may also include the shooter. Or, it may not.


NBC News also reports at least six injured. There doesn’t appear to be any word as to how severely those six are injured, though it likely includes the injured police officer.

We do not have any information about what kind of weapon was used in the attack.

However, we can assume it was likely a handgun seeing as how the officer’s armor apparently stopped the bullet. Not many rifle rounds are going to be stopped by police armor, but that is pure speculation at this point. It may also have been a fairly low-powered rifle or it may have just been pure luck that the body armor stopped the round.

Without a doubt, though, this will be used to try and invigorate Northam’s anti-gun agenda, which he’ll undoubtedly claim would have stopped this attack, even if it wouldn’t have.

Video of the AP report:

Virginia Beach Police Chief said that right now, they have more questions than answers. That is, unfortunately, typical in the immediate aftermath of an attack such as this.

While it is the weekend, we’ll update this story as more information becomes available.

On a personal level, I want to note that seven years ago today, I learned I’d lost a dear friend in a mass shooting. I sure hate writing about another one today.

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