Massachusetts Man Pulls Uzi Out Of Lake. Boating Accidents Do Happen!

It’s a running gag among gun owners. We’ll show a photo of a gun and then talk about how we lost everything in a tragic boating accident. It’s a meme within the gun community and the sources of a few good laughs. Especially when you see memes on social media of an ATF agent wondering why gun owners are such lousy boaters.


But let’s not dismiss boating accidents entirely. It would certainly explain what a Massachusetts man recently pulled out of a lake.

A man experimenting with a magnet plucked a fully-loaded Uzi submachine gun and several other weapons out of a pond in Massachusetts, reports say.

The unnamed individual called the police after pulling the Uzi out of Pillings Pond in the small town of Lynnfield.

Lynnfield officer Patrick Curran inspected the submachine gun and discovered it was loaded, before encouraging the man to throw his powerful magnet – attached to the end of rope – back into the water to see what else he could find.

The magnet fisher pulled another four guns from the pond, including a Glock handgun, a Colt Cobra revolver, a semi-automatic handgun and a revolver with “significant corrosion”, according to The Boston Globe.

All five of the firearms were loaded, local police said. The weapons were handed over to state police ballistics for further analysis.

The state police called out a dive team, but the guy and his magnet had apparently found everything.

Called “magnet fishing,” this is apparently a thing where people drop magnets in lakes and ponds to see what they can find. The Massachusetts gentleman is hardly the first to pull up something like this, either.

So what does this really mean?

Well, boating accidents are real, man!

Seriously, dumping guns used in crimes in the water is an age-old practice, so I’m hardly surprised someone found some guns. Finding so many in a small town pond, however, is surprising. Especially something like an Uzi. While it’s difficult to tell if this is an actual submachine gun versus a semi-auto only version, it’s still an odd choice for disposal.


The state police will be taking a look to see if any of these guns match any used in crimes, of course, and since it’s Massachusetts, I doubt there will be a “finder’s keepers” rule for any that are clean. Which kind of sucks because if the Cobra is in decent shape, that might make a great conversation piece, as would the Uzi if it were a semi-auto.

Still, it’s an interesting story. It’s also one you can point to when people say boating accidents don’t really happen like we gun folks say. They may not believe it, but all you need in a court is a bit of reasonable doubt, right? Not that I’m suggesting anyone do anything other than comply with all state, federal and local laws. Nope, not me. I would never suggest anything of the sort.

That said, I’d also make sure you’ve got a boat at some point to have an accident with. Just sayin’.

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