Rep. Nancy Mace: Crime And Defunding Police Doesn't Mix

AP Photo/Mic Smith

Crime is up almost everywhere. In particular, homicides are up. Criminals are caught in a revolving door that puts them back out on the streets just hours after they were arrested in the first place.


To address this, many communities are have either passed or are considering new gun control laws because clearly, that was why crime was rising.

However, Rep. Nancy Mace laid some truth down for them recently.

Places like Chicago that have strong gun control laws in place are not seeing violent crime numbers dropping as a result, and that is a problem, Rep. Nancy Mace, who says she carries a gun for her own protection, told Newsmax Monday.

“It’s interesting because I’ve heard numbers such as in New York, (where) they want to spend $140 million on gun control,” the South Carolina Republican said on Newsmax’s “Wake Up America.” “Look at a place like Chicago where just a week ago last weekend there were 108 shootings, a place where Mayor Lori Lightfoot wanted to defund the police and is now begging for federal funding from the federal government and the Biden administration.”

Her comments come as President Joe Biden is planning to meet Monday with local law enforcement leaders, elected officials, and an expert on community violence intervention at the White House while seeking support for his plans to curb gun violence.

Meanwhile, Mace said it’s “time to set the record straight” after White House press secretary Jen Psaki’s comments that it’s Republicans, not Democrats, that want to defund the police.

“The problem with what the Democrats are selling right now is they’re throwing everything at the wall because they’re projecting,” she said. “There are many Democrats that ran on defunding the police.”

She also pointed out that Democrats who want to defund the police are “to the left of Bernie Sanders” because even the Vermont independent senator doesn’t want to defund the police.


They’re going to spend all this money on gun control, only to find out that nothing changes.

As Mace noted, defunding the police doesn’t exactly help crime go down. Anyone with more than two brain cells should be able to look at that fact and tell it won’t work that way.

I mean, hell, as Mace noted, Bernie Sanders knows better and he supports socialism of all idiotic things. What does it take for some of these people to comprehend that you can’t defund law enforcement and still reduce crime?

Don’t get me wrong, I actually support some of the things people want to see in place of the police. What I disagree with is reducing law enforcement before you see any results from those programs. It’s idiotic, especially when some of those programs could take years to really yield results.

So, instead of reducing crime, they’re inspiring it to rise. After all, fewer police means less police visibility, which means less deterrence for all kinds of criminal activities. That’s just a sad fact of life.

Then you get places passing gun control to address the problem without ever considering that it was their own policies that led to this nonsense.


Of course, if they looked at things rationally, it’s highly unlikely they’d oppose the Second Amendment so vehemently.

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