Armed Citizen In Green Bay Fires When Intruder Tries To Grab Firearm

AP Photo/Wilson Ring

As armed citizens, many of us have a thousand scenarios we think about. One is inevitably a home invasion. In fact, that’s why a lot of people get guns in the first place. They may not feel they need them out and about, but while at home? That’s a whole different story.


Another thing many worry about is if someone were to grab their gun.

I’ve had plenty of people try to claim that a criminal would take my gun and kill me with it through the years, after all. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have concerns about having to struggle with a bad guy over my gun.

In Green Bay, Wisconsin, though, an armed citizen had to deal with both of those nightmares.

Things got scary in a Green Bay, Wisconsin, neighborhood early Thursday morning as police were called around 4 a.m. about someone trying to kick down the front door of a residence on Mount Mary Drive, WFRV-TV reported.

The station said the suspect broke into a duplex in the 1000 block of Laverne Drive through the back door — and was soon greeted by the resident.

And the resident didn’t show up empty-handed.

Like a growing number of people around the country, the resident had prepared for just such an encounter by exercising his Second Amendment rights and arming himself.

So the intruder found himself staring down the barrel of a handgun, WFRV said.

But the sight of the lethal weapon apparently didn’t deter the intruder. Authorities told the station the suspect aggressively approached the resident and tried to grab the gun out of his hand.

With that, the resident fired one round and hit the suspect in the leg, WFRV said.

The armed citizen first called in the fact someone was trying to kick in their door. Later, they called in that the individual had been shot. That had to be interesting for the operator, to be sure.


Meanwhile, the suspect is being treated for non-life-threatening injuries, which is probably good for the citizen. Taking a human life isn’t easy, even if you don’t have a choice. Knowing that the suspect won’t die probably removes a good bit of that potential anxiety.

That said, the resident did what they had to do. If the intruder had died, well, too bad.

More and more people are arming themselves in this day and age, and that’s a very good thing. Many of these are still new gun owners, too, which means we may well see more home invasions end in a similar manner.

Ultimately, the result of that will likely be fewer home invasions, in part because those inclined to do such things will be dead or in prison after being shot. The other part will probably be people deciding the risk just isn’t worth it and will reevaluate their life choice.

Guns save lives. This is a prime example of just how they do that.

These are the stories anti-Second Amendment zealots need to think about before they try to infringe on our God-given rights.

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