Bronx man hit with 300 firearm-related charges

MikeGunner / Pixabay

New York City’s five boroughs are the most gun-controlled real estate in the nation. Firearms aren’t subjected to nearly as much control anywhere else, even in cities we tend to think of as gun control havens.


And to hear some tell it, gun control works.

If that’s true, then New York shouldn’t have any problem with illegal firearms, now should they? It just shouldn’t be a factor at all.


A Bronx man is facing more than 300 counts of gun-related charges after allegedly selling more than 70 weapons and high-capacity magazines to an undercover New York Police Department officer, the Bronx District Attorney announced Wednesday.

Shakor Rodriguez, 23, is charged with 304 counts, including the criminal sale and possession of a firearm and criminal possession of a weapon, according to two indictments filed in the Bronx Supreme Court. He was arraigned on both indictments and pleaded not guilty to 225 counts. His attorney had no comment.

Rodriguez was attending Austin Peay State University in Clarksville, Tennessee, while allegedly smuggling illegal weapons to the Bronx and Manhattan, according to the DA.

Rodriguez allegedly sold an undercover NYPD officer 73 firearms, 59 of which were loaded, and more than 40 high-capacity magazines, according to the district attorney, who noted the officer typically paid between $1,000 and $1,500 per gun.


Well, it seems all those gun control laws don’t really control guns, now do they?

In fairness, they never will.

You see, if there’s a demand, someone will provide a supply. Rodriguez is accused of essentially doing just that, meeting that demand because someone is going to make sure guns find what I call “the low spot.”

Were it not for New York’s draconian gun control laws, there wouldn’t be near enough demand for Rodriguez to have considered trafficking firearms in violation of the law, but when he can sell a $400 for $1,000 to $1,500 a pop? It’s hard to turn down that kind of a return on investment.

Especially since it’s entirely possible that many of his customers are otherwise law-abiding folks who just didn’t want to deal with New York’s insane gun control laws.

Of course, I’ll concede that may not be the case, either. He was selling guns illegally, so there’s plenty of reason to believe he wasn’t that picky as to who his customers were.

Regardless, all of the Big Apple’s gun control policies failed to do anything to prevent this.


I don’t know how many more times we’re going to have to say it, but criminals do not obey the law. They’ll break it every time if they think they can benefit from doing so. Rodriguez is accused of taking advantage of the heavy restrictions on firearms in the city to benefit to the tune of thousands upon thousands of dollars.

Hell, for all we know, he’s sitting on millions from previous sales, and all of it not just in spite of the gun control laws there, but because of them.

It would seem to me that maybe, just maybe, it’s time to look at how criminals might be benefitting from these laws.

Not that they’ll do so.

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