Michigan GOP chair won't apologize for pro-gun tweet

Glock" by mynameisgeebs is marked with CC BY-NC 2.0 DEED.

Twitter is one of those places that can get you in trouble really quickly. It’s easy to pop off while upset or emotional or just plain not thinking, only to say something you have to try and walk back.


Then you have people with some really bizarre takes that they actually “thought” through but tweeted anyway.

On the flip side, you have takes that may look controversial to some, but really shouldn’t be.

That last thing came up when the Michigan GOP Twitter account posted this:

It riled a lot of people up. They were upset because of the Holocaust imagery because, well, that’s upsetting.

Yet the Michigan GOP chair isn’t backing down.

The Michigan Chair of the GOP is issuing no apology following a contentious tweet that sparked outrage among many in Michigan.

The tweet, sent out by the official Michigan Republican Party Twitter account, alluded that gun control legislation could lead to a repeat of the Holocaust.

But, what made people more outraged was the second tweet defending the first one and then during a press conference tripling down.

“We are a different Republican party. We are not the Republican party who apologized and runs away from our positions,” Michigan GOP Chair Kristina Karamo said.

Karamo was elected last month as the new chair for the Michigan GOP. She doubled down on a tweet she sent about gun control that referenced the Holocaust and it sparked outrage for some in the Jewish community.


At least one Jewish person argued it was offensive to Jewish people.

Karamo dismissed that claim by pointing out that the individual in question doesn’t speak for all Jews, and he didn’t.

For example, we’ve got my friend Yehuda Remer, better known as the Pew Pew Jew, who sells a t-shirt that reads, “People with ARs don’t get into cattle cars.”

To say that Karamo has a point is putting it mildly.

But should she apologize? Did the tweet go too far with regard to the Second Amendment?


No, it didn’t.

Look, I won’t say we’ll see another Holocaust. At least, not quite like what we saw in Nazi Germany. That particular kind of evil isn’t likely to rear its head again. Not in this lifetime.

History doesn’t really repeat itself, but it rhymes an awful lot. What I mean is that while something like the Holocaust might not happen exactly as it did, there’s always a concern something like that can happen again.

It would be foolish to pretend otherwise.

Yet, as Yehuda’s shirt suggests, an armed populace is the surest deterrent for such a thing.

“The government can come and grab you if they want to. They’ve got you outgunned!”


Please. How many police officers were outside of the school in Uvalde, only to be too terrified to go into the building because the bad guy had an AR? I’m not overly worried if that’s how it’s going to play.

Plus, frankly, I’m sure a lot of us would rather go out fighting than be herded anywhere.

So no, the Michigan GOP owes no one an apology and I’m actually glad they’re not providing one.

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