The NRA and its membership typically aren’t the kind that trips over themselves to embrace gun control. After all, we had a whole thing on Monday about the power of the gun lobby, particularly in the form of the NRA.
So one might imagine trying to sell the idea to those members might not be the best use of one’s time.
That didn’t stop some from apparently trying to do it anyway.
Kerry Worthington drove almost two hours to deliver a message to the National Rifle Association (NRA).
“I believe that AR-15s should be taken out of society; there’s no use for an AR-15 in our society,” Worthington told The Epoch Times.
Worthington was one of several demonstrators across the street from the NRA’s Annual Meetings and Exhibitions in the Indianapolis Convention Center. The gun rights organization has been a lightning rod for gun control protests. But this year, demonstrations at the April 14–16 event were peaceful.
Worthington is a business owner and former city councilman from Cass County, Indiana. He said he is also chairman of the “Indivisible Movement of Cass County.” The movement’s objective, he said, is to oppose former President Donald Trump, who had spoken to the NRA membership the night before.
He and seven protesters sat in the afternoon sun and held signs on the event’s second day. He supports the Second Amendment, but said he doesn’t believe all weapons should be legal.
Yeah, with support for the Second Amendment like that, it’ll be repealed in no time flat.
Make no mistake, these people were there trying to antagonize the NRA membership attending the annual meetings. I suspect they wanted there to be some kind of confrontation.
Or, conversely, they hoped membership would come up and tell them how much they agreed already because people actually believe that.
The fact that didn’t happen–and if it did, we’d have heard about it–tells you the narrative that the average NRA member is actually anti-gun to some degree is kind of nonsense.
They’re within their rights to protest outside the NRA meetings, to be sure, but they wasted their time by doing so. I suppose if it made them feel better because they were telling the NRA what they thought, then, well, so be it.
I’m still going to point and laugh at them because I’m a giver.
We know what they want, but we disagree with them on every aspect of the debate. The folks that attended in Indianapolis? Yeah, they’re even less likely to agree than many others. Those are uber-NRA members. They’re among the most ardent gun rights supporters out there, and these folks figured they could change minds?
It’s so sad and pathetic it’s almost adorable.
Again, they have the right to do it, so long as they follow all the applicable laws, but no one attending those meetings was the least bit interested in what they were peddling.
What’s funny to me, though, is that they thought they could say something and change someone’s mind on guns, as if we’re not constantly bombarded with anti-gun messaging and are just awaiting some dipstick with a sign to inform us of the error of our ways.
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