
NY 'Violence Prevention' Program Just Anti-Gun Indoctrination

AP Photo/Jeff Chiu

Whenever anyone tries to introduce a gun safety course into public schools, someone inevitably shrieks that it's an effort to indoctrinate kids. Never mind that actual gun safety lessons can benefit anyone, especially since we never know who will encounter a gun out in the wild.

But no one should be surprised to learn that indoctrination is only bad in their minds if they think we might do it.

And there's a reason why they assume attempts to teach gun safety are indoctrination attempts. It's because that's exactly what they'll do if they get half a chance. We know because, in New York, they're already doing it.

Every week during the school year, in classrooms across New York City, students in neighborhoods hit hardest by gun violence gather to tackle misconceptions about guns and gun carrying, improve their conflict resolution skills, and delve into the root causes of the problem.

The program, known as ReACTION, has been guiding students through its yearlong curriculum for the past two decades. They meet once a week, integrated into high school classes like health or political science, or as after-school programs. But unlike other courses, ReACTION is facilitated by credible messengers — community members who have experienced gun violence and use that experience to reach young people. Like the community-based violence intervention programs that operate outside schools, ReACTION aims to reduce gun violence, but also empower students to become advocates and leaders in their communities.

Now, note how they're defining "credible messengers" for a moment. 

I'm not saying that people who have experienced gun violence don't have anything useful to contribute to the discussion, but they're focusing exclusively on those people.

What's more, it's trying to push people into becoming "advocates."

Advocates for what? Saying that shooting people is bad? Do we really need advocacy for that? Even the people doing the shooting think it's bad, they just figure it's different when they do it because people can rationalize all kinds of things. You're not going to advocate them to figure otherwise, either.

What's happening is that these "credible messengers" are people who were impacted by a violent act committed by someone with a gun, who then internalized the idea that guns are bad, and are now telling easily-impressionable kids that yes, guns are bad, all with the goal that these kids will grow up and become anti-gun advocates.

And they're doing it with taxpayer money.

If that weren't bad enough, they're currently working to expand the program, meaning taxpayer money will be used to indoctrinate more children into anti-gun advocacy.

Of course, the folks at The Trace figure this is a good thing, but it's also a telling thing.

The reason anti-gunners freak out over gun safety education is because of projection. They're trying to get into schools to indoctrinate kids to oppose the Second Amendment so they figure gun rights supporters are trying to do the same thing.

Meanwhile, we're really just trying to do what we said. We're trying to teach kids how to respond safely should they encounter a firearm somewhere.

These folks don't seem to think there should be any problem with their programs, efforts clearly designed to dissuade people from seeing the Second Amendment as any sort of a good thing. They want New York kids to support gun control and anti-gun politicians, and this has likely paid off to some degree or another.

While New York City has never been pro-gun, they've seemingly supported more and more restrictions over the last couple of decades. It's not out of the realm of possibility that some of this is the direct result of indoctrination efforts in the state's largest city.

And if so, that's more than enough reason to oppose these programs.
