Google Calls NRA 'Human Rights Organization' and Anti-Gunners Lose Their Minds

AP Photo/Seth Perlman, File

The Bill of Rights enshrines certain basic human rights, protecting them from government intrusion. These are among those inalienable rights Thomas Jefferson wrote about in the Declaration of Independence. They include things like the right to speak freely, the right to worship as you please, the right to be free from unreasonable searches by the state, and others.


One of those includes the right to keep and bear arms.

People agree that the right to self-defense is a human right, but it's a right that has no reflection on reality if people don't also have the means with which to do so. A 95-pound woman just going about her day isn't likely to defend herself from a 250-pound man who has evil intentions unless she has a tool with which to do so.

So the right to keep and bear arms is, in fact, a human right.

That means a group like the NRA is a human rights organization, though most wouldn't describe it as such.

But Google apparently did.

Google “National Rifle Association.”

Search returns describe the gun-rights behemoth in various ways.

“Gun rights advocacy group,” Wikipedia reads.

“An American nonprofit organization which advocates for gun rights,” writes the Library of Congress.

“The largest and most powerful gun rights organization in the United States” that “lobbies against gun control legislation and financially backs lawmakers who have historically not supported increased regulations,” USA Today reports.

None of them refer to the NRA as a “human rights” organization.

Except Google itself.

OK. And?

Of course, the writer of this piece isn't exactly a fan of such a description. We know this because he decided to get people's take on this.


Did he speak with human rights experts? Did he speak with constitutional scholars or historians familiar with the intentions behind the Second Amendment.

Oh no, he talked to the real experts.

Informed by Raw Story about Google’s knowledge panel for the NRA, representatives for two gun control organizations expressed dismay.

“In no world should the NRA be listed here as a human rights group. In fact, I’d argue they are in direct competition with the work actual human rights organizations are doing to protect the lives of our children and communities,” said Jack Craven, spokesperson for Brady, a nonprofit group that advocates against gun violence. “Given the NRA is directly responsible for so many unnecessary deaths, one option might be to list them as a ‘Mass Shooter Defense Fund’ or perhaps, ‘Pro-death advocates.’”

Max Steele, a spokesperson for Everytown for Gun Safety, another anti-gun violence organization, accused the NRA of playing “a leading role in building an America where gun violence kills tens of thousands of people a year and is the number one cause of death for children and teens.

Calling the NRA a “human rights” group “is enough to make North Korean propagandists blush,” Steele added.

Now, the author does go on to argue that the NRA never explicitly calls itself a human rights organization, and that is true. They tend to use the term "civil rights organization" instead, but civil rights are human rights. It's not exactly a stretch.


Especially when the NRA has also termed gun rights as "human rights."

But what's hilarious to me is how his slam dunk is a couple of gun grabbers who are actively involved in trying to restrict our rights saying that groups like the NRA aren't about human rights.

These are people trying to tell you that you can't buy a product that you can use safely and legally to some degree or another. They want to ban other products because someone misused it from time to time. They're trying to tell you what to do and how to live your life and they have the cajones to pretend they're the ones protecting human rights?

It's downright hilarious.

More accurately, it would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad.

What they actually are saying is that they don't consider the NRA a human rights organization because it's a human right they don't want you to have. While we can all agree that people have a right to live and not be murdered, the truth is that gun control ensures absolutely no such thing. At best, it can remove a single tool for taking someone's life, and it rarely results in the best-case scenario.

If it ever does. 

After all, criminals get guns outside of the legal market for firearms all the time. Only a tiny percentage get them from licensed dealers. Most are obtained via illegal means such as black market dealers.


What gun control really does in practice is make it harder for regular people to buy firearms, thus directly impacting their own right to self-defense.

That's a violation of one's human rights.

So yeah, I have no problem with gun rights groups in general or the NRA in particular being called a human rights organization. I have a big problem with gun control groups, both in general and specifically for pretending they're the real human rights defenders.

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