
Huffington Post Completely Misrepresents Trump's Comments on Why We Need Guns

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

At this point, it's not surprising that someone in the media would misrepresent something Trump said. Too many of us remember the "very fine people" hoax all too well for us to be shocked by that. 

I'd just expect someone, even the Huffington Post, to do a bit better than to provide the evidence for them doing it in their own report.

This time, the quote in question involves guns because, naturally, that's why we're covering it at all. It starts with a headline that read, "Trump Tells Parents Of School Shooting Victims We Need More Guns ‘For Entertainment’."

Now, guns are a lot of fun and yes, entertainment is one of the reasons we use them, that's not going to be a compelling argument at all, especially to parents who lost their children in mass shootings.

Only, that's not really what he said.

From HuffPo's own report:

At Univision’s town-hall-style event Wednesday, 33-year-old Jesús González asked Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump: “Could you explain your gun control policy to the parents of the victims of school shootings?”

Trump’s response to those parents: They’re better off in a country with more guns.

“We have a Second Amendment and right to bear arms, essentially,” Trump said. “And I’m very strongly an advocate of that — I think you need that. I think that if you ever tried to get rid of it, you wouldn’t be able to do it. You wouldn’t be able to take away the guns, because people need that for security. They need it for entertainment, and for sport and other things — but they also, in many cases, need it for protection.”

So he bookended "for entertainment" with security and safety, as well as mentioned sport shooting--which includes both things like trap, three gun competitions, and hunting--and all they want to make a thing of is "entertainment."

For the record, I'd have rather he left that part out because no one inclined to support gun control is going to find that to be a convincing argument in the least, but it's also just a smidge of what he actually said.

Now, the Huffington Post isn't the mainstream media. It's been leftist since day one of its existence and that most definitely includes gun control. They've had the odd conservative or libertarian commentator to make them look more neutral than they really are, but no one has ever really been fooled by any of that.

But this is bad even by that standard. 

Trump never just told these parents we needed guns for our personal amusement and nothing else. He started off by talking about security. He finished by talking about protection. Most reasonable people would hear that answer and understand that he views personal protection as a big reason why need guns.

Only those trying to recreate the "very fine people" hoax would focus on just that one word--especially when the reality is that the "entertainment" is the sporting aspect, if sloppily worded--which, of course, is exactly what this is about.

Then again, it's not like the Huffington Post has any interest in fairness. They latched onto one single word and pretended that's the totality of what Trump said. Meanwhile, they fail to note that the comment was off-the-cuff in front of a media outlet that is at least somewhat hostile toward him, just as he's done with every other mainstream media appearance he's had, and this is all they have managed to hit him on.

Meanwhile, Kamala Harris is a walking trainwreck who has at least enough self-awareness of this fact to generally avoid interviews with hostile media. Her sit-down with Brett Baier illustrates why.

But I'm not really inclined to let them turn this into something it's not, especially when anyone who reads their own report can see what he really said.
