If You Don't Talk to Fellow Voters, Who Will?

AP Photo/Adam Bettcher

Years ago, there was a line of PSAs that wrapped up with, "If you don't talk to your kids about drugs, who will?" The implication being that if you didn't have the conversation, the drug dealers would.


I don't know if that was really the case or not. After all, no one approached me to buy drugs, but as a cop's kid, they might have decided to skip me for their own protection.

Yet that bit ran through my head a little bit as I read this piece from Jeff Knox of The Firearms Coalition.

Have you talked politics recently with everyone in your circle of influence, especially your family and particularly the women in your life?

It’s important that every GunVoter be proactive in talking with their spouse, family, and friends about the current elections.

(Early voting has already begun in many places.)[And YES you should vote early!]

It’s even more important when that spouse, family member, or friend is a woman because there is a wide division between the way men and women are planning to vote this year. Right now polls show that male voters are leaning toward Trump and the pro-gun Republicans by a split of as much as 60/40, while female voters are leaning toward Harris and Democrats by a split of about 56/34.

That divide gets even wider when looking at only single women and probably even wider when comparing gun-owner households. Significantly, women tend to be more likely to vote than men – which could be a whole separate article – and many have been energized by the very convoluted (and frankly dishonest) debate over abortion.

The reason these numbers should concern GunVoters is simple: The women in your life, the women with whom you have the most credibility and possible influence, are potentially on the verge of negating your vote and helping the most vociferously anti-gun presidential candidate in history win the White House, along with helping the party of gun control obtain or maintain majorities in Congress and state legislatures.

Obviously, it’s important to talk with everyone you know about the importance of voting and the importance of stopping the endless Democratic campaign against our rights – especially your gun-owning friends who might not bother to vote. However, with the stark divide between men and women in this election, and particularly the tendency of men to avoid talking with women about politics, it’s important to address the issues specifically.


Of course, there are a lot of women who are the gun owners in their families, so they should probably talk to their husbands. In households where both own guns, well, they should talk to people outside the house.

But the overall point is to communicate with people and remind them that elections have consequences.

The right to keep and bear arms exists everywhere, but it's not respected in most countries. We also see many of those countries also assaulting other rights such as the freedom of speech. Does anyone else remember a British police chief threatening to arrest Americans over memes? I do, but then again, that was just earlier this year, so it's easy to remember.

Even if you don't care about guns on a personal level, it's important to remember that the Second Amendment protects all of our rights. It's hard to strip rights from people who can fight back.

Yet despite claims to the contrary, one side in this election desperately wants to take away our ability to resist tyranny effectively.

So yeah, reach out to everyone you know who is at least remotely open to having a conversation on the topic. Make sure they know what's at stake. Don't waste your time on those who are so vehemently anti-gun that they see the threat to our rights as a feature, not a bug, but you know plenty of folks who don't see it quite that way.


Do it now before it's too late.

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